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Grow, Reach and Heal: 2016 Missional Report

The Dakotas Conference is living out the three scriptural imperatives: to grow in love of God and neighbor, reach new people and heal a broken world.

That’s the message that Sheila Dailie, incoming chair of the Common Table gave  to members of the 23rd Annual Conference Session. The message was part of the opening plenary session as the Common Table reported on the progress that has been made and highlighted the 2015-2016 Missional Report.

Rev. Kori Lehrkamp and Rev. Clay Lundberg reported how local churches are growing in love of God and neighbor. Attendees learned how the Dakotas Conference has experienced growth in average worship of attendance for the fifth straight year, a 3.3% increase in 2015. They learned that Beresford Zion UMC is reaching out to the families in the community through a daycare and preschool program (watch video here). Attendees learned about Highmore, Harold and Blunt UMC’s raised over $9,000 to send 30 kids to camp in 2015 and $14,000 to send 40 kids to camp in 2016 (watch video here). They learned that the Breakthrough Prayer is inspiring new life in over 21 churches throughout the conference. They learned that over 300 from 34 churches participated in DakYouth15.  They learned that the Camp and Retreat Ministry of the Dakotas and Minnesota Conferences are combining their strengths and leadership and coming together for form a joint governance team.

Rev. Scott McKirdy and Rev. Adam Weber in attendance discovered ways the conference is reaching new people through new church starts like First African in Fargo, ND (watch video here).  They learned how Embrace Church has expanded to a fifth campus in Lakeland, MN. Attendees were introduced to Ben Ingebretson, Dakotas-Minnesota Area director of new church development. They learned how Kindred Zion UMC has expanded their building to reach future generations.

Rev. Ron Olson and Rev. Lou Whitmer shared with those attendance ways in which local churches and the conference is helping to heal a broken world. They learned how Spirit Lake Ministry Center and churches like Aberdeen North Highland are reaching out through Shoebox Christmas and other ways (watch video here). How mission grants are promoting outreach ministry like a Madison’s outreach ministry to college and high school youth (watch video here). 

Other highlights of the missional report include:

The third cohort of churches involved in the MCCI process bringing the total number of churches to 15. The beginning of Journey Renewal process with 6 charges and 9 churches.

Scholarship dollars distributed by the Board of Ordained Ministry reached over $80,000 for 2015-2016.

Over $16,000 distributed to 22 churches for churches to extend mission impact and connection in their communities.

In 2015, 95.4% of the Dakotas Conference churches gave towards the 16% apportionment requested.  This represents an increase from 2014.

Click here to access the full 2015-2016 Missional Report


Dakotas Annual Conference of The United Methodist Church 605.996.6552 1331 University Ave. Mitchell SD 57301-0460 US 43.69689310 -98.03291320 122 W. Franklin Avenue Ste 400 Minneapolis MN 55404 US 0.00000000 0.00000000 1331 W University Ave Mitchell SD 57301 US 0.00000000 0.00000000 1331 University Ave Mitchell SD 57301 US 0.00000000 0.00000000