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Children's and youth ministry is NOT canceled

By: Doreen Gosmire, director of communication, Dakotas UMC

Caro Webinar

We have all seen the announcements: 2020 camping season canceled. 2020 Leadership Training Camp canceled. VBS goes virtual.  2020 DAKYOUTH canceled. COVID-19 has led to the cancellation of so many children's and youth ministry events.

"Our kids need the church more than ever. We need to make a plan to grab them and love them," says Deb Kjerstand, director of Leadership Development for the Dakotas Conference.

Kjerstad connected with Stephanie Caro, a senior consultant at Ministry Architects, and together they brainstormed ways to inspire and equip youth leaders. The leaders realized that we are all feeling a little overwhelmed these days amid the pandemic of COVID-19, racism, and the tension within the denomination.

It would be easier to just sit back and not do children's and youth ministry this fall. Instead, Caro will host two 90-minute webinars, on Wednesday, September 2, at 2 p.m. CDT and another at 7 p.m. CDT.

"We are all a little mystified at what to do to make children's and youth ministry happen this fall," says Caro. "We want people to know that they are not alone. What we are going to do about our Trunk-or-Treat, Fall Festival, Thanksgiving outreach, Nativity pageants, etc? We know that you need practical plans and you need them fast!"

The webinar will focus on practical tips and resources. Each church registering will receive one 30-minute free coaching call with Stephanie designed to take the concepts and make them specific to your church's needs. PLUS access to a Google Drive filled with helpful tools.

Register here for the 2 p.m. session | Register here for the 7 p.m. session


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