Adventures at Wesley Acres. File photo.
“I have been wondering what it would be like to be a camp counselor and if this is something that I would like to do. I am not sure if I have what it takes.” These are the words of a high school student who plans to attend Counselor-in-Training (CIT) Camp at Wesley Acres Camp and Retreat Center, June 7-9, 2021.
Are you interested in being a camp counselor someday? Would you like to help as a Counselor-in-Training this summer? Brenda and Paul Lint invite you to spend two days learning to be a part of the camp leadership team and earn a Dakotas United Methodist Camping Counselor-in-Training certificate.
“When I was a junior in high school, I spent the summer helping the counselors at camp. I was a volunteer. It was a meaningful, enriching experience for me,” says Brenda Lint, who serves as the co-director at Wesley Acres Camp and Retreat Center and will be a dean at CIT camp this summer. “CIT camp is about training high school age students to lead and grow in spirituality.”
The three-day camp for students completing grades 9-12 will be an opportunity to explore what being a camp counselor is all about. CIT campers will spend time learning alongside the Wesley Acres staff about leading, listening, spirituality, and safety protocols.
“It is all about preparing and making available quality staff who create a camping experience that is safe and meaningful for all campers. It is a stepping stone to becoming paid staff at camp,” says Brenda.
Rev. Paul Lint, who serves as the co-director at Wesley Acres Camp and Retreat Center, will serve as a dean with Brenda. The Lints, like other Dakotas and Minnesota camps, have enhanced efforts in place to keep everyone safe.
“We are rigorously following the guidelines for the American Association of Camping and the Centers for Disease Control. We have intentionally scheduled time, gaps between camps, to make sure we have adequate time for cleaning after one group leaves and another group comes to camp,” says Paul.
CIT will be learning and fun. File photo.
After completing the certification, participants are welcome to serve as a CIT at any Dakotas United Methodist Camps locations—Lake Poinsett Camp and Retreat Center, Storm Mountain Center, and Wesley Acres Camp and Retreat Center. One opportunity could be serving at the Wesley Acres SonSeekers Camp that starts on June 12.
CIT certificate holders will need to reach out to each camp location and dean for each camp session for approval. Opportunities will be dependent on numbers and safety protocols for each camp session.
Now is your chance to invite someone you know to explore being a camp counselor or explore ministry in a whole new context. Get the details about the CIT camp here.
“We have lots of fun planned to go along with the learning, including water activities, hiking, and canoeing. We are excited for high school students to have this opportunity,” Brenda says.
2021 Camping Resources
Register for camp: Register for camp at Lake Poinsett Camp, Storm Mountain Center, or Wesley Acres Camp on or before April 30, and receive the Ealy Bird discount is $5 off per night at camp. (Some exclusions apply.) So, a two-night camp would be $10 off. If you register through our online registration system, the Early Bird price will automatically be charged.
COVID safety: The safety and well-being of our campers, staff, and volunteers remain our top priority. In the months leading up to summer 2021, we’ll continue to pay close attention to COVID-19 conditions as they fluctuate and follow expert guidance from health professionals and the American Camp Association as it emerges. For the latest information on COVID-19 and summer planning, check the COVID-19 and Camp FAQs.
Camp Sunday: Plan a special day set apart for your congregation to celebrate the ministry of camping together. Camp Sundays typically include camp style, themed worship with music, and testimonials on camps’ personal impact. In-person worship can consist of decorating the church in a camp theme, special snacks or meals, sharing information on registering, and getting local financial support. Access 2021 Camp Sunday resources.