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Impact Fargo 2024 lives out Micah 6:8

By: Youth and adult leaders who attended Impact Fargo, with contributions by Anna Mutzenberger, Dakotas UMC intern

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Students worshiping at Impact Fargo 2024. Photos by adult volunteers.

“He has shown you, O mortal, what is good. And what does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.” Micah 6:8 (NIV)

This was the third year that Flame of Faith UMC, West Fargo and Fargo First UMC partnered to bring Impact Fargo, a local mission opportunity, to Fargo, North Dakota. There were four churches with about 40 participants who worked hard to leave their IMPACT on the world.

The event started on Sunday evening, where we all focused on getting to know each other. We had a party with games, food, and fun. After our party we had opening worship led by Joy for the Journey Praise Band from Fargo First UMC, and Andrea Plueddeman, Director of Children, Youth and Families at Fargo First UMC, gave the message “A Roadmap For Your Life”. Andrea focused on the three main points of Micah 6:8 act justly, love mercy, and walk humbly. Andrea’s message on Micah 6:8 paved the way for the daily themes during the event. Monday was focused on justice, Tuesday on kindness, and Wednesday was centered around humility.

For the remainder of the week Bill Egan, Worship Leader and Choir Director from Flame of Faith UMC, led worship while adult volunteers took turns giving the message. Monday Bill spoke about justice, Tuesday Allie Carpenter from St Johns UMC in Wimbeldon spoke about kindness, and Wednesday Pastor Teresa from Flame of Faith UMC spoke about humility. On Thursday we had a unique worship service where many people took turns sharing about their experiences and we ended with Communion served by Pastor Teresa.

Each morning we served at places in the Fargo/Moorhead community, then we would have lunch with a special guest speaker. On Monday Mike Little, Director of Jail Chaplains, joined us and shared about what his ministry does to intentionally reach those on the margins. Tuesday’s lunch guest was Heidi Schultz from Red River Children’s Advocacy Center. Heidi shared about the work she does and how the center is able to walk with families in crisis. On Wednesday Wendy and Olivia Allen (Mother/Daughter) shared about Warm Blanket Hugs, a nonprofit the provides blankets to everyone in need. This was founded by Olivia when she was going through a medical journey in her elementary years. Olivia is now going into her senior year of high school and shared that “no matter your age, you can make a difference and change the world”.

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Students race to complete as many tie blankets as possible in two hours.

On Wednesday morning the Red River Children’s Advocacy Center and Warm Blanket Hugs teamed up to offer us a challenge. We were tasked with making as many tie blankets to donate to the Children’s Advocacy Center as possible. With the materials provided through Warm Blanket Hugs we were able to make 40 blankets in two hours. Since we completed so many blankets we got to dye three of our leader’s hair any color we wanted. We chose three colors blue, pink, and silver. Pastor Teresa, Andrea and Evie Lomman, a volunteer from Fargo First UMC, were all in the hot seat and look absolutely stunning with their new hair colors.

During Impact Fargo we also got to interact and hear from people with unique stories. On Tuesday evening we had a special group of men join us to share about their recovery journeys and how it has affected them, their families and friends. They shared how we should surround ourselves with people who build us up and help us to grow closer to Jesus. Wednesday night we had another eye opening experience when we got to participate in Fargo First Community Meal and Dinner Church where were joined by people from all walks of life. We got to see our theme scripture verse lived out through the many people who faithfully host Dinner Church every week.

Each evening we had a fun event planned. On Monday we went to Puzzled Escape Room and raced against each other to have the fastest escape time. On Tuesday we went to KingPinz to bowl, chase each other in lazer tag, and win prizes in the arcade. Finally, on Wednesday we went to Family Wellness where some of us swam and others played sports.

Our event ended Thursday morning with worship and a lot of hugs from new friends made. We want to thank our leaders and our home churches for investing in us so we could attend Impact Fargo 2024. We also want to thank all the staff from Fargo First UMC who worked so hard to take care of us; Pastor Ryan for being so welcoming and hosting Impact Fargo at Fargo First UMC, Daisy for allowing us to constantly interrupt her work days, also Jim and “Pink” Floyd for cleaning up after us and greeting us with a smile every time they saw us. As well as all the volunteers from Fargo First UMC who helped behind the scenes to keep us fed, drive us where we needed to go, saw us for who we are, and welcomed us into their building. Finally, we want to thank Stacy Kemerling from Flame of Faith UMC and Andrea Plueddeman for planning and implementing such an amazing event. We can’t wait for Impact Fargo 2026!

View all the photos from the event


Dakotas Annual Conference of The United Methodist Church 605.996.6552 1331 University Ave. Mitchell SD 57301-0460 US 43.69689310 -98.03291320 122 W. Franklin Avenue Ste 400 Minneapolis MN 55404 US 0.00000000 0.00000000 1331 W University Ave Mitchell SD 57301 US 0.00000000 0.00000000 1331 University Ave Mitchell SD 57301 US 0.00000000 0.00000000