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Marin invites high school youth to join CCYM

By: Doreen Gosmire

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CCYM at Leadership Training Camp in July, 2017.

"It’s a great opportunity! It is an excellent place to explore your leadership skills and try out your gifts. I have done things I would never have imagined doing!” Those are the words of  Marin Ehrmantraut,  a member of Conference Council of Youth Ministry (CCYM) and Bismarck McCabe UMC.

The Conference Council of Youth Ministry (CCYM) is a group of up to 20 youth and ten adults who serve Jesus Christ through service to the youth and youth workers of the Dakotas Conference of The United Methodist Church.  

Each year, a new council is selected to work together for that year. CCYM is inviting high school youth to apply by May 1, 2018, to be on the 2017-18 council. See CCYM application information here.

Marin Ehrmantraut is a part of her youth group at Bismarck McCabe UMC, and helps teach preschool Sunday School there.  She is finishing her senior year at Legacy High School in Bismarck, North Dakota.


Marin Ehrmantraut at LTC in 2017.

Marin learned all about CCYM by attending DakYouth and the Winter Connection. “I loved these events. There is such a cool energy,” she said.  "I loved it when all of the youth were in worship and singing – such awesome experiences!”

Marin is the daughter of Rev. Mark Ehrmantraut who serves at Bismarck McCabe UMC and served previously at Beresford Zion UMC. It was at Beresford where Marin first learned about CCYM.  “I got to know a couple of the youth at Beresford who were on CCYM. It got me thinking it might be something I wanted to try,” she said.

CCYM has allowed Marin an opportunity to learn and grow. “It may seem intimidating to be leading others,” she stated. “It doesn't mean you have to speak in front of everyone.  It means you explore what fits for you. There are so many skills I've learned.  For example, I had an opportunity to serve communion. I've gone up on stage, but I would never have imagined doing that. I found out it was OK; I actually enjoyed it!” 

Marin is headed to Minnesota State University in Moorhead, Minnesota this fall. She will finish her term with CCYM at Leadership Training Camp (LTC) at Lake Poinsett Camp in July. Her advice to other high school youth is, “It's a super-cool opportunity that is unique, a ton of fun, and you'll learn a lot!”


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