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Builders Club Winter 2021: De Smet UMC

Therefore welcome one another as Christ has welcomed you, for the glory of God. - Romans 15:7

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De Smet United Methodist Church recognizes that you can encounter God in many ways. They warmly invite everyone in their De Smet, South Dakota community and beyond to join them in discovering their own spiritual journeys.

While it is a small church in a rural town, De Smet UMC wants to provide the opportunity for people in their community to connect to each other, to the church, and to God. The first Tuesday of each month, they host a free community meal at their church. This provides an opportunity for the church members to build relationships with those outside of the church and take that next step to invite community members to join them in worship. De Smet UMC recently installed new flooring in their basement to make that space more welcoming and efficient for their community meals.

De Smet Umc

In recent years, church leadership has noticed a decline in people joining in fellowship following worship. The location for coffee, treats, and fellowship time is in the basement, with the door to exit the building between the sanctuary and basement. Many church members choose to leave rather than taking those extra steps to join their church friends and neighbors for coffee. De Smet UMC would like to update their narthex area outside the sanctuary to become a welcoming area for coffee and conversation before and after the worship service.

In order to create this welcoming space, they plan to remove the walls to the current church office to expand the space. The current church office is shared by the pastor, secretary, and acts as a storage room. More troubling than the pastor and secretary being in a storage room, is that this room has shag carpet from the 1970s on the walls that will also need to be removed. In addition to remodeling the narthex to create a gathering area, De Smet UMC also plans to renovate the current chapel room to create the new office and storage rooms.

As the church continues to reach out to people within their community, De Smet UMC wants to provide a welcoming place for people to gather, build relationships with one another, and deepen their faith.

We are so grateful for your continued support of the Builders Club and ask that you prayerfully consider a gift of $25 or more to support De Smet UMC. The gifts for this call will be received until March 31, 2021. Or donate online.

Wahpteon Evergreen UMC thanks you . . . . $9,500 granted!

When it's been dry and a houseplant, or a whole field, or a tree outside our window gets dry, even though stressed, they make do. They survive. They can't get stronger or revive alone. To a degree, we all go through that. And when the rains come, what joy there is! What new life explodes! What opportunity for growth! Thank you, Builders Club, for bringing this rain to Evergreen UMC in Wahpeton, ND. You are supporting what we do, you are a part of the family, you inspire us to do even more.   

Wahpeton Evergreen Umc 2

One example: Zion Chapel is the scene of life changing AA meetings. Small groups of people in need gather on many days of the week, to help each other find healthier ways to live. Truly, this is amazing grace in action! Recently, while bringing a love offering from the group to our office, a man affirmed how grateful they were to have a place that felt safe and welcoming to do their work together. Your gifts will strengthen that place, make it more able to change those lives. Thank you. We will use the money wisely for needed repairs. Thank you also for the boost that comes from remembering we are all in the work of witnessing to Jesus transforming power together. Special thanks also to Pastor Jen Tyler, my predecessor, whose vision and good work made this request. My God's richest blessings be returned to you all, watering your life with grace! 

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Dakotas Annual Conference of The United Methodist Church 605.996.6552 Parachute 2a.jpg 1331 University Ave. Mitchell SD 57301-0460 US 43.69689310 -98.03291320 122 W. Franklin Avenue Ste 400 Minneapolis MN 55404 US 0.00000000 0.00000000 1331 W University Ave Mitchell SD 57301 US 0.00000000 0.00000000 1331 University Ave Mitchell SD 57301 US 0.00000000 0.00000000