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One Church Plan fails, Traditional Plan advances

By: Christa Meland, with contributions from United Methodist News Service

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The Rev. Bill Mudge (right) comforts fellow delegate Jeffrey"J.J" Warren of the Upper New York Conference after Warren spoke in favor of full inclusion for LGBTQ persons in the life of The United Methodist Church during the 2019 United Methodist General Conference Feb. 25 in St. Louis. Photo by Mike DuBose, UMNS.

After the Traditional Plan cleared a major hurdle Monday morning, General Conference delegates spent the afternoon debating and ultimately voting against the One Church Plan. Minnesota delegates, most of whom have publicly voiced support of the One Church Plan, reacted with both disappointment and deep sadness.

Delegates opposed the bishops’ recommended One Church Plan by a vote of 436 to 386. The vote was 53 to almost 47 percent.
“There are a lot of mixed emotions,” said Rev. Rebecca Trefz, clergy delegate. "The most important thing we seek to remember through all of this is that this is a process. It is not a winning and losing thing. There may be those that are feeling at peace. There are those who are greiving. There are those who are anger. There are those who are somewhere in-between amoungst all of this."
The legislative committee voted for the Traditional Plan, which seeks to strengthen enforcement of the denomination’s homosexuality prohibitions, as amended by 461 to 359. The Book of Discipline requires that all petitions be approved by a legislative committee before going to the full body; at a typical General Conference, there are many legislative committees. However, because this is a unique General Conference, the full body is acting as a single legislative committee in St. Louis. This means that a plan would need two votes—the legislative committee vote and the plenary vote—in order to pass.


As the Rev. Joe Harris presides, the results of a vote about the so-called Traditional Plan are displayed during a legislative session of the special session of the General Conference of the United Methodist Church, held in St. Louis on Feb. 25, 2019. The plan would strengthen denominational penalties for LGBTQI clergy and for clergy who perform same-sex weddings. Photo by Paul Jeffrey for United Methodist News Service.

Monday’s votes mean the Traditional Plan is the only plan guaranteed to go to plenary on Tuesday. 

The One Church Plan could still come back, but as a minority report. An amended version of the Traditional Plan, which delegates did not fully take up, also could come before the body on Tuesday.

Also heading to the plenary are two separate petitions that, with certain limitations, would allow churches to depart with their property.

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Dakotas Conference delegates, Rev. Rebecca Trefz, left, and Beata Ferris, center, listening as legislation is presented at General Conference 2019. Photo by Dave Stucke, Dakotas UMC.

Monday’s votes are a good indication of what direction delegates hope to take The United Methodist Church in its longtime debate over homosexuality.

Trefz continues to practice a heart of peace and seeks unity, she knows God will continue to show up in the days and months ahead.
“We continue to be in prayer. We continue to walk hand-in-hand,” she said. “We continue to have a posture of hearts towards Christ and for one another. We thank everyone for continuing to follow us on the journey, for the prayers, and for the ways in which you love one another, especially those of you not here in St. Louis.”

Lay delegate Beatta Ferris, a member of First UMC in Pierre, South Dakota, voiced how intense the legislation process is at General Conference.
She described a feelings of being overwhelmed, joyful, and deflation among many delegates, including herself, as the body moved through the legislative committee process.

“We have spent a lot of time refining and tweaking to move things along to tomorrow at the plenary, where we will continue to be seeking God’s will,” she said. “That’s what we’re all about…we pray that the Holy Spirit will help guide us to that end.”

The Traditional Plan aims to strengthen the denomination’s prohibitions against clergy officiating at same-sex unions or being “self-avowed practicing homosexuals.” The plan also encourages those who will not obey church prohibitions to find another church home.

The One Church Plan would have left questions of such weddings up to individual clergy and congregations—and questions of gay ordination up to individual conferences. Central conferences—church regions in Africa, Europe and the Philippines—would be able to determine their own policies.
On Monday, delegates also voted against moving forward with the Simple Plan, submitted by the unofficial United Methodist Queer Clergy Caucus, by a vote of 494 to 323.
Since the 1972 General Conference, The United Methodist Church has asserted all people are of sacred worth but “the practice of homosexuality is incompatible with Christian teaching.”

In recent years, as homosexuality gained more public acceptance in the United States and other parts of the church, a number of United Methodists—including whole conferences—have publicly defied these rules.

The 2016 General Conference, after rumors of a church split over homosexuality reached a fever pitch, authorized the Council of Bishops to form a commission to find a way forward.

Both the One Church and Traditional plans emerged from that commission’s work. 

The One Church Plan, in particular, inspired impassioned debate during the day’s proceedings.
Defenders described the plan as a way to keep together an ethnically and theologically diverse denomination that has a number of LGBTQ members. 
The Rev. Patricia Farris of the California Pacific Conference, speaking in favor of the plan, urged delegates: “Let’s not do anything here to diminish our church or its mission.”

Opponents accused the One Church Plan of dramatically changing the denomination’s connectional form of governance and violating scripture.

“It is better to be divided by truth than united in error,” said Rudolph Merab, the lead lay delegate from the Liberia Conference. He added that the plan would not provide salvation.
Much of the morning’s debate about the Traditional Plan dealt not so much with advocacy for the plan as much as efforts to address constitutional problems raised by the Judicial Council, the denomination’s top court.

Last year, bishops referred the Commission on a Way Forward’s report to the council. That report contained the One Church, Traditional, and Connectional Conference plans.
The court identified problems in three sentences of the One Church Plan and in multiple petitions in the Traditional Plan. It did not take up the Connectional Conference Plan, which also did not gain committee approval on Monday.
The Rev. Maxie Dunnam of the Kentucky Conference brought legislation meant to address the constitutional issues in the Traditional Plan, but the body did not have the detailed legislation in writing. That amended legislation can return as a minority report.

Efforts to amend the One Church Plan to bring it in line with the Judicial Council ruling also hit a snag. The first motion to delete one of the unconstitutional sentences tied 409 to 409, meaning it failed.

The other two changes passed but only narrowly.
Later in the afternoon, delegates voted to send the legislation they had approved Monday—the Traditional Plan and the two disaffiliation petitions—to the Judicial Council for review. 

The Judicial Council agreed to rule on a request by the GC2019 legislative committee to review the “constitutionality, meaning, application, or effect” of the plans approved during its business sessions.


Dakotas Annual Conference of The United Methodist Church 605.996.6552 1331 University Ave. Mitchell SD 57301-0460 US 43.69689310 -98.03291320 122 W. Franklin Avenue Ste 400 Minneapolis MN 55404 US 0.00000000 0.00000000 1331 W University Ave Mitchell SD 57301 US 0.00000000 0.00000000 1331 University Ave Mitchell SD 57301 US 0.00000000 0.00000000