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Undergraduate debt heavy burden for students entering seminary

By: Doreen Gosmire, director of communications, Dakotas UMC

Bryce Blank, Thanael Certa-Werner, and Dylan Dethlefsen are headed to seminary this fall. Blank is headed to Perkins School of Theology in Texas. Certa-Werner will attend Garrett-Evangelical Theological Seminary in Illinois, and Dethlefsen is headed to Boston School of Theology. Undergraduate debt and scholarships played a significant role when deciding when to go to seminary and what seminary to attend.

Dylan Deflethsen

Dylan Dethlefsen is heading to Boston School of Theology later this year. File photo, Dakotas Conference UMC.

“A big concern was the financials of it all and feeling anxiety over possibly accumulating up to, or over $100k in student loan debt,” says Dethlefsen. "It’s definitely a huge concern still, but one that I’m pushing aside in order to pursue my calling. I know I’m definitely not alone in this boat.

Dylan spent the last year working, delaying entering seminary. He felt that he needed to get some income and figure out how to manage his financial future after accumulating debt as an undergraduate. 

2019 Miracle Offering: Lead Boldy! #fillthegap

The 2019 Miracle Offering: Lead Boldly #fillthegap provides an opportunity to come alongside and support persons answering God’s call to ministry in two ways. First, we will be receiving a monetary offering that will be equally divided between the Endowment Fund for Theological Education in the Central Conferences and a Dakotas United Methodist Foundation Scholarship Fund for undergraduate students planning to prepare for pastoral ministry and individuals training to be licensed local pastors in the Dakotas. The second part of the 2019 Miracle Offering: Lead Boldly #fillthegap will be an opportunity to make a commitment to reach someone who does not know Jesus.

Join the efforts to Lead Boldy #fill the gap. Here are some resources:
Bishop's letter 
Bulletin insert: Microsoft Word version | PDF version
Power Point
2019 Miracle Offering logos 
Offering envelope

When it came to my undergraduate debt I viewed it as a necessary evil. I knew I needed to get my degree in order to pursue my life and career goals. I just went and did it without any second thought,” he says. 

All three future seminary students were Elisha interns. “Having the opportunity to do something like the Elisha Project, offered me a way to gain some real-world experience while earning my degree,” Dethlefsen says. “It also provided a valuable source of income to help me pay for educational expenses.”

Thanael Certa Werner

Thanael Certa-Werner is interviewed here in The George and Eleanor McGovern Library on the campus of Dakotas Wesleyan University. Certa-Werner is preparing for his transition from DWU to Garrett-Evangelical Theological Seminary in Chicago, Illinois this year.

Thanael Certa-Werner has seen a lot of friends stressed out about debt. He reports that some of them are actually delaying graduate school because they worry about having too many loans. Certa-Werner will leave his undergraduate years without debt due to a lot of effort and careful planning.

“I am headed to Garrett-Evangelical Seminary in the fall. I will leave Dakota Wesleyan University without debt. I worked five part-time jobs. I applied for lots of scholarships, and was able to get a lot of help from the United Methodist Church. Not everyone is as lucky as I am. But it is going to make a huge difference as I enter seminary,” says Thanael.

As a resident assistant in the dorm for three years at DWU, Certa-Werner witnessed the toll debt takes on students. “I hope people realize the stress that students are experiencing. Education costs a lot. If I had not had parents and others who guided me I would not be in the great situation I am. If I had a huge debt from my undergraduate years, I don’t know how I would pay for seminary,” he says. 

Bryce Blank acquired $30,000 of debt during his undergraduate years at DWU. He is hoping to pay off his loans from school in 10-20 years, paying $300 a month.


Bryce Blank was recently awarded the DWU Scotchman award. He will be attending Perkins School of Theology in Dallas, Texas this fall. Photo courtesy of DWU.

“I am headed to Perkins in the fall. My decision to go there was partly based on the financial support that I will receive. I wanted to make sure that I could manage my debt,” Bryce says.

Blank worked a lot of part-time and summer jobs to help pay for school. He was a resident assistant and an Elisha intern at Dakota Wesleyan University. Bryce worked summers in a jewelry store, as a camp counselor, at his home church as an intern, and at Love, Inc. in Rapid City. This summer he will work at Lake Poinsett as a chaplin. 

Blank describes the whole situation this way. “Scholarships make it easier and are a huge factor for me, and a lot of others, about where you go to school and my decision about seminary.”

The 2019 Miracle Offering Lead Boldy #fillthegap, will help provide scholarships for undergraduates who are feeling a call to ministry. All three students, Blank, Certa-Werner, and Dethlefsen, state that having scholarships for undergraduate students feeling called to ministry would be a huge blessing and help lift a burden. 

Dethlefsen says, “Everyone knows that if you want to have a career in ministry, especially if it's in a pastoral role, you need to further your education after your undergraduate years are complete. This has some serious and weighty financial implications. I truly feel it will help further the kingdom of God here on earth by enabling more disciples to live into their call.”


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