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2016 Annual Conference

2016 Annual Conference

Living Generously  Unleashing God's GiftsTheme: The theme of annual conference 2016 was “Living Generously  Unleashing God's Gifts.” We celebrated the ways in which we are answering God's call to use resources of all kinds to live out the scriptural imperatives to grow in love of God and neighbor, reach new people, and heal a broken world.

Bishop’s Episcopal Address: Bishop Bruce Ough wants Methodists in the Dakotas to be more intentional in their manure spreading—metaphorically speaking. In his episcopal address to open Annual Conference 2016, Ough reflected on the model of living generously set forth by Jesus in (Luke 13:6-9). In this parable, a gardener lobbies for the life of a fig tree that has not borne fruit in three years. He offers to spread manure on the soil in hopes that, with one more year, the tree will bear fruit. But this is not a particularly “churchy” story, Ough notes. It’s filled with earthy and even crude language that highlights the parable’s meaning. “Be fruitful or perish,” he said. “The message is clear.” (Read more) (Watch video) (Click here to download and print a prayer card)

10,000 Hour Miracle Offering: At morning worship on Friday, June 10, 2016, Dakotas United Methodists celebrated what God is doing in and through them. They also committed over 18,000 hours of service to Dakotas Conference ministry project.  The 10,000 Hour Miracle Offering, called for churches to have at least 10 people commit to at 10 hours of service to one of these conference missions: Bakken Oil Rush Ministry—Watford City, Out in Faith Oil Rush Ministry—Williston, Dakotas Camp and Retreat Ministry, Solar Oven Partners, Tree of Life and Spirit Lake Ministry. A cash offering of over $56,000 was also collected.  The money will be used to help fund the Elisha Project. The total of the 10,000 Miracle Offering is expected to grow. Churches and individuals can send pledges and donations to JoAnn Schlimgen, Dakotas Conference UMC, PO Box 460, Mitchell, SD 57301. (Read more) (Watch video here)

James Harnish lessons in living generously: To Jim Harnish, it’s not about the money—except when it is.Speaking during the teaching sessions to the Dakotas Annual Conference on Friday, Harnish identified generous living as the issue that will most clearly define who we are as followers of Christ. “Salvation is never just about money,” Harnish said. “But it is never about anything less than money.” The mission of the church, he reminds us, is not to raise money or pay apportionments. It is to make disciples. (Read more) (Watch session one video) (Watch session two video)

2016 Missional Report: The Dakotas Conference is living out the three scriptural imperatives: to grow in love of God and neighbor, reach new people and heal a broken world. That’s the message that Sheila Dailie, incoming chair of the Common Table gave to members of the 23rd Annual Conference Session. The message was part of the opening plenary session as the Common Table reported on the progress that has been made and highlighted the 2015-2016 Missional Report.  (Read more) (Click here to print or download a copy of the Missional Report)

Thrive Campaign reaches $3.5 million: Attendees at the 23rd Session of the Dakotas Annual Conference celebrated the generous giving of individuals and churches to Thrive: Strength for Today, Hope for Tomorrow, a capital campaign. Over $3.5 million has been pledged to date with more commitments to still come in. Thrive is a capital campaign to start new churches, strengthen existing churches and raise up the next generation of leaders. (Read more)

Ministry Festival: If you’re going to celebrate shared ministries, why not have a real party? This was the thinking behind the Ministry Festival, held on Thursday evening of Annual Conference. After the conclusion of the business sessions, conference attendees gathered to eat, play games, and celebrate some of the most vital shared ministries of the Dakotas Conference. One Way Up (Canton UMC), ministries with youth took center stage. Camping, youth, and CCYM (the Conference Council on Youth Ministries) presented various awards and told stories about their work.  (Read more) (Watch video)

Recognizing clergy: On Friday evening at a Celebration of Life in Ministry Service, we remembered United Methodist friends and colleagues who have died over the past year, honored clergy who are retiring, and celebrated those who were commissioned and ordained. We remembered seven clergy and four clergy spouses that passed away this year. We honored ten retiring clergy and we celebrated two clergy who were commissioned and three clergy who were ordained as elders. (Read more) (Watch video) (Click here to download or print the program booklet)

Legislation: We approved the 2017 budget of $4,361,252 amount of at a slight decrease of -0.05% compared to the 2016 budget total of $4,365,000. Other legislative items approved include: a resolution to join as a coalition partner with South Dakotans for Responsible Lending, rule changes that allow for changes in ministry teams, the selection of the site for Annual Conference for 2017-2020, Camp and Retreat Ministry and lay leadership and quadrennial elections. (Read more)

Additional resources: 

Missional Report: Click here to view and print a missional report that highlights key conference initiatives throughout the year and highlights Holy Spirit breakthroughs in our midst.

Articles: Click here to read all the articles about key news and events during annual conference. 

Videos: Click here to view and download videos shown throughout annual conference.

Photos: Click here to view and download photos from annual conference.

Livestream video archives:

Thursday, June 9, 2016

Opening worship - 8:30 a.m.

Episcopal Address (only)

Ministry Festival 6:00p.m.

Friday, June 10, 2016

Miracle Offering worship 8:00 a.m.

Teaching session one 9:15 a.m.

Teaching session two 1:30 p.m.

Celebration of Life in Ministry Service  7:00 p.m.

Saturday, June 11, 2016

Baptismal Remembrance service 8:00 a.m.

Morning plenary 9:30 a.m.

Thank yous and benediction 11:30 a.m.

Other Resources:

Click here to download or print a pdf version of the 2016 Conference Workbook



Dakotas Annual Conference of The United Methodist Church 605.996.6552 slider.jpg 1331 University Ave. Mitchell SD 57301-0460 US 43.69689310 -98.03291320 122 W. Franklin Avenue Ste 400 Minneapolis MN 55404 US 0.00000000 0.00000000 1331 W University Ave Mitchell SD 57301 US 0.00000000 0.00000000 1331 University Ave Mitchell SD 57301 US 0.00000000 0.00000000