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2022 Lenten Study | Spiritual Formation: Following the Movements of the Spirit

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Ash Wednesday, March 2, 2022, marks the beginning of Lent.  We will be marked with ash, be reminded of our mortality, and know that from dust we came and to dust we shall return. It is time to ponder and expand our relationship.  Where will you meet God?

The culmination of Lent, Easter Sunday, is April 17 this year.  Everyone tries to make sense of the world and how the world works.  Living in the time of Jesus assumptions were made about, who had the power, what the rules were, who was in, and who was out. They killed the one who came to turn the world upside down, and called anyone who followed him a fool, but then what happened?  Jesus shows up! He is He has risen from the dead. Nope, dead is not dead, and what we think we know for sure, well maybe, just maybe there is more. Way more.

God is not predictable. God is mystery and beauty and amazing love and joy. And God’s presence in our life and world breaks in and through in the most surprising ways, leading us to places and new beginnings that we thought impossible.

Our relationship with God, who loves us beyond all measure is a  journey from death to life. Each of us has a unique relationship that requires attention, contemplation, and discovery.  Henri Nouwen understood the spiritual life as a journey of faith and transformation that is deepened by accountability, community, and relationships. Spiritual Formation reveals Nouwen’s sage advice on how to live out the five classical stages of spiritual development. This Lent explore Nouwen’s unparalleled wisdom on how to move from the mind to the heart and live there in the center—the place where God dwells.

What you need to know

Weekly videos will be posted for congregations or individuals to download or view. Small group study guides are posted below so churches can access them at any time. If you are looking for additional resources to supplement these. 

Purchase the book from Amazon or from 

Learn more about Henri Nouwen here


Ash WednesdayLeave Your Pot on the Fire, from Bishop Laurie Haller
Download a copy of this message | Ash Wednesday 2022 study guide | Bulletin insert PDF | Bulletin insert Word document | Direct link to the video 

Week 1, From Opaqueness to Transparency, and From Illusion to Prayer, Cabinet Discussion
Download a copy of this message | Early Movements study guide | Bulletin insert PDF | Bulletin insert Word document | Direct link to the video

Week 2, From Sorrow to Joy, Rev. Joel Winckler
Download a copy of this message | Week 2 study guide Bulletin insert PDF | Bulletin insert Word document | Direct link to the video

Week 3, From Resentment to Gratitude, Rev. Kris Mutzenberger
Download a copy of this message | Week 3 study guide | Bulletin insert PDF Bulletin insert Word document | Direct link to the video

Week 4From Fear to Love, Rev. Rebecca Trefz
Download a copy of this message | Week 4 study guide | Bulletin insert PDF | Bulletin insert Word document | Direct link to the video

Week 5From Exclusion to Inclusion, Rev. Ben Ingebretson
Download a copy of this message | Week 5 study guide | Bulletin insert PDF | Bulletin insert Word document | Direct link to the video

Week 6From Denying to Befriending Death, Rev. Bob Ruedebusch
Download a copy of this message | Week 6 study guide | Bulletin insert PDF | Bulletin insert Word document | Direct link to the video 

Easter Message from the Bishop  (no video), Words are not enough, Bishop Deborah Lieder Kiesey
Download a copy of this message | Bulletin insert PDF | Bulletin insert Microsoft Word

(updated April 11, 2022)


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