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Beach UMC serves love and hospitality at Community Friendship Meal

By: Doreen Gosmire, director of communications, Dakotas UMC

Howard, South Dakota, is a community of 850 people. On the first Wednesday of the month, people gather at Beach United Methodist Church for fellowship, a meal, and connection.

“I love to see people join us and feel welcomed,” said Diane Stangohr, a member of Beach UMC who has coordinated the meal for the past eight years. 

Beachumc Community Meal

Image courtesy of Madison Beach UMC.

The Beach UMC pastor-parish relations committee (PPRC) talked about the idea for a while. Then they spent some time learning about the community meal and outreach at the United Methodist congregation in Madison, South Dakota, before they started. 

“I remember the first meal,” said Diane. “We were hoping that 25 people would come to the meal, and 50 showed up.”

People learn about the meal through the community sign or board where events are listed, an announcement in the local newspaper, fliers at the local school, and word of mouth.

Each month groceries are purchased, the meal is prepared and served by groups throughout the community, including 4-H Clubs, Howard Service club, groups from the school—cheerleaders, FFA, student council. 

Pastor Kim Hastings, who serves at Beach UMC, works with Stangohr to recruit groups to serve and get a schedule in place. During Advent and Lent, a meal is served every Wednesday, followed by a short worship service. 

The meal and the conversation are casual. ”We hope that if people do not have a church family, they will feel comfortable coming to the church in this way,” said Stangohr.

Howard Beach Umc

Beach UMC in Howard, South Dakota.

The meal ministry reaches those beyond the church doors. Delivery of meals is made to those who cannot come to the church. Community members can call the church office and request a meal. Volunteers do some calling to see if someone who cannot come to the dinner would like to pick up a meal or have one delivered. 

 Rusty’s, the local grocery store, supports the ministry by donating $50 each month to purchase the food and finding the groceries needed at a low price.

“Rick Heltman, the owner and operator of our local grocery store, supports us in a lot of ways. He donates to the grocery account to help the group serving that month. He also gets the best price on stuff,” said Stangohr.

Grants have supported the Community Friendship Meal. Stangohr applied for and received Breakthrough Ministry Grant and Hunger Grants from the Dakotas Conference. Grant funds help purchase paper products, essential items for cooking the meals, and some equipment.

Recently, the ministry was awarded a $1,000 Hunger Grant from the Dakotas Conference. The 2021 Miracle Offering, Bishop Haller’s 2021 Thanksgiving Offering, and some individual donations generated the funds for Hunger Grants. The total funds raised grew to $72,000 to help fight hunger in the Dakotas.  

The funds collected to fight hunger in North and South Dakota have been distributed three ways. Feeding South Dakota received $24,000. The Great Plains Food Bank in North Dakota received $24,000. The Dakotas Conference is awarding $24,000 in Hunger Grants to local food ministries. Currently, 12 grants have been awarded. 

Breakthrough Ministry Grants Copy

Stock photo illustration by Robert Anasch on Unsplash.

As a recipient of a Hunger Grant, Beach UMC plans to use the funds to update some of the equipment and utensils in the kitchen where the Community Friendship Meal is prepared. 

“We want to stock our kitchen. We will sort and clean our kitchen and replace things that need to be replaced, like griddles and electric skillets. We may add a couple of new items,” said Diane. “Our goal is to restock the kitchen and purchase as many items locally as possible.”

The congregation in Howard is considering serving the Community Friendship Meal two times a month. Exploration is underway to see if groups would purchase groceries to prepare and serve the food. “It will take twice the volunteers to make this happen,” said Stanghor.

The Community Friendship Meal is all about gathering people and showing them what it is like to be welcomed and loved as Jesus did. “That is what is needed,” said Diane. “We support our local community. They support us. It is a way to connect and reach out.”

Contact Al Roll if you are interested in Hunger Grants.
Find out more about Breakthrough Ministry Grants here.


Dakotas Annual Conference of The United Methodist Church 605.996.6552 1331 University Ave. Mitchell SD 57301-0460 US 43.69689310 -98.03291320 122 W. Franklin Avenue Ste 400 Minneapolis MN 55404 US 0.00000000 0.00000000 1331 W University Ave Mitchell SD 57301 US 0.00000000 0.00000000 1331 University Ave Mitchell SD 57301 US 0.00000000 0.00000000