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COVID-19 births new camp for young adults

By: Doreen Gosmire, director of communication, Dakotas UMC

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Photos by Dave Stucke from Leadership Training Camp 2019.

Young adults, especially recent high school graduates, are facing becoming an adult with lots of questions about life. Questions like: What can I expect? How do I manage my finances? What is work or school going to be like? How do I manage stress? One of the biggest questions today's young adults face is, how can I keep growing in my faith?

Rev. Peggy Hanson, who serves Trinity United Methodist Church in Lead, South Dakota, and is a member of the Dakotas Conference Council of Youth Ministry (CCYM), recognizes the questions that young adults have and is designing a weekend camp experience to explore answers.

"The whole idea came about as a result of COVID," says Hanson. "Camps did not happen last year, and many high school students missed the opportunity to attend key events like Leadership Training Camp and DakYouth. That leaves a void for students who graduated in 2020 and 2021."

To fill the void, Hanson, along with Rev. Jeff Lathrop, chair of CCYM, and Stephanie Caro, consultant for youth ministry with Ministry Architects, decided to offer a camp experience for young adults who are recent graduates. The camp is a three-day weekend, July 30-August 1, 2021, called "College LTC—Leadership Training Camp."

"For some, it will be an opportunity to connect and share a camping experience that they missed in 2020. For others, it will be a chance to learn about faith and 'adulting,'" says Pastor Peggy, who will serve as the dean for the camp Lake Poinsett Camp.

Caro will lead the teaching moments, followed by discussions and reflection time. There will be times of worship designed and lead by those attending the camp experience. Fellowship will be built during learning, worship, and some fun with water activities at Lake Poinsett, campfires, and maybe even a young adult version of the traditional Wacky Olympics held during LTC.

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"We are aiming to build a community for young adults in a camp retreat setting," Hanson says. "The goal is to create a safe place to ask any questions. The retreat's theme is, 'The Oscar goes to…' The idea is to affirm some of the best approaches to adulting. Who knows, maybe we will be able to even give out some Oscars to campers with some great ideas to help us all be better humans?"

Christy Heflin, the director at Lake Poinsett Camp and Retreat Center, is looking forward to hosting College LTC and several other camps this summer. She states that camp registration is open, and several of the camps are filling up.

"Our goal is to keep everyone safe. We follow all the COVID safety protocols, which means that we must create space for social distancing. We are limiting the number of people at each of the camps," says Heflin.

While summer camping programs were suspended in 2020, camps remained open to clergy, families, and small groups to enjoy socially-distanced and much needed time of respite, renewal, and vacation last summer. However, several seasonal facilities that are used exclusively to host summer campers have remained off-line since the conclusion of 2019 season, the last time camp programs were offered. This means that extra attention is needed at all three camps this spring to get things ready for the 2021 camping season.

Lake Poinsett will host Mission Possible Camp on April 24-25 to prepare the camp for summer.  "We have at least ten volunteers who are coming the last weekend of April to camp and help us open up our buildings.," Heflin says. "All of our camps, Lake Poinsett, Storm Mountain, and Wesley Acres are facing the same need to get ready. Volunteers are welcome to help prepare each of the sites."

On June 14-16, 2021, Golf Camp is a new camp being offered at Lake Poinsett this summer. The camp will feature three days of learning and practicing golf at nearby golf courses for middle and high school age campers.

"Golf Camp is new to us this year. We welcome all experience levels. Maybe this will be a chance for someone to learn golf," says Christy.

If you would like to attend College LTC or Golf Camp, register online today. Register for camp at Lake Poinsett Camp, Storm Mountain Center, or Wesley Acres Camp on or before April 30, 2021, to receive the Early Bird discount is $5 off per night at camp. (Some exclusions apply.) So, a two-night camp would be $10 off. 


2021 listing of camps and events
2021 camp online registration
Contact information for Lake Poinsett | Storm Mountain | Wesley Acres

Camp Sunday: Plan a special day set apart for your congregation to celebrate the ministry of camping together. Camp Sundays typically include camp style, themed worship with music, and testimonials on camps' impact. In-person worship can consist of decorating the church in a camp theme, special snacks or meals, sharing information on registering, and getting local financial support—access 2021 Camp Sunday resources.
Work at camp: Are you or someone you know looking for a summer job that provides plenty of time outdoors, great fun with people of all ages, and an opportunity to positively impact the lives of children and youth? If so, let us know! Join in the fun and help share Christ, Creation, and Community with campers of all ages at one of three Dakotas United Methodist camps! We are now hiring cabin leaders, program leaders, support staff, and health care staff. All positions include competitive industry salary, room, board, opportunities for certifications, and an unforgettable, life-changing experience. Apply here


Dakotas Annual Conference of The United Methodist Church 605.996.6552 1331 University Ave. Mitchell SD 57301-0460 US 43.69689310 -98.03291320 122 W. Franklin Avenue Ste 400 Minneapolis MN 55404 US 0.00000000 0.00000000 1331 W University Ave Mitchell SD 57301 US 0.00000000 0.00000000 1331 University Ave Mitchell SD 57301 US 0.00000000 0.00000000