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Higher Ground Initiative: Creating vibrant clergy leadership

By: Doreen Gosmire, director of communications

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Photo by Ben White on Unsplash.

"In the last five years approximately 11 contemporary colleagues of mine are no longer serving under appointment. I would surmise there are at least half, if not the same number of older clergy who have chosen early retirement or have grappled with serious health issues due to work-related stress." —Dakotas Conference elder.

Clergy fulfill vital societal functions as meaning makers and community builders. Partly because of their important roles, clergy frequently encounter stressful situations. Further, studies, such as the Duke Clergy Health Initiative, suggest that clergy experience high rates of depression. The Dakotas Conference is making an effort to change the overall health of clergy through the newly developed Higher Ground Initiative. This initiative is made possible because of a $925,000 grant received by the Dakotas United Methodist Foundation from the Lilly Endowments Thriving in Ministry program.

“Our Conference is unique due to our large geographic area and number of rural churches that we serve. In addition to the normal stressors of pastoral ministry that are described in the research, our clergy often deal with a greater sense of isolation, access to support resources, and necessary social networks that come as a result of serving in a remote and/or rural area,” says the Rev. Rebecca Trefz, director of ministries for the Dakotas Conference who will serve as one of the key leaders in the Higher Ground Initiative. “We are committed to making key decisions in the designing of programs and the allocation of resources in order to come alongside our pastors in partner with them in ways that our most beneficial to them professionally and personally. We believe this will help equip them to lead their churches and to be disciples and who make disciples through healthy systems and organizations. We also believe this will impact their communities by embodying that spirit of thriving through their physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual health.”

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Dakotas Conference file photo.

The $925,000, granted by the Lilly Endowment, will help fund the two major components. The first component is based on the requirement by the Book of Discipline to have a process that clergy participate in every eight years of their ministry. Annually, the Higher Ground recharge-refocus retreat and program will provide approximately 15-25 clergy with a time of guided retreat, individualized coaching, and additional time away from church responsibilities to reflect on their ministry and refocus on personal and professional goals for the next season. Clergy who have reached an 8-year mark in ministry—year 8, 16, 24—will be invited to participate in the retreat tract. The goal is that at least 80 percent of the pastors, who are eligible for the Higher Ground retreat track each year, opt-in and spend a week in meaningful reflection and relationship building with other clergy. The first retreat has been set for July 21-25 at Terra Sancta in the Rapid City area.

The second component of Higher Ground is a process of customized individual or group coaching support (e.g. technical, therapeutic, spiritual, discipleship, etc.) provided to pastors based the clergy’s annual assessment process with their church and district superintendent. The Dakotas Conference is partnering with several organizations, counseling service, spiritual directors, and coaches in order to address the specific development goals identified by the pastor and their congregation. The expected outcome for clergy who engage in either of these areas of the Higher Ground Initiative is a greater sense of well-being and support.

In the first year, approximately 15-20 pastors are expected to participate in the retreat, recharge and refocus component, based on years of service.  Additionally, up to 20 clergy will be engaging in monthly coaching based on the needs of the pastor and congregation. Coaching will incorporate new systems, including telehealth technology, to connect United Methodist clergy across the Dakotas. While the retreat group size will stay relatively similar each year as all active pastors move through the process, the number receiving coaching based on the annual assessment is expected to grow. 

The Higher Ground Initiative is an outgrowth of cultural and strategic developments that have taken place in recent years. Over the past decade in the Dakotas Conference, clergy peer groups have shifted from being formed based on geography to be created and shaped according to personal and professional development and relationships. Mentoring relationships are shifting from merely being a step in the ordination process to being hands-on coaching by experienced ministry leaders. Annual evaluations are changing from being a yearly check-in to be a fully aligned and time sequenced assessment process that includes feedback from clergy, congregation, and supervisor with the purpose of helping pastors grow as leaders and disciple-makers.


Dakotas Conference file photo.

Despite this progress, a critical challenge that stifles efforts is the existing variety of trust levels and a willingness to open up to peers. Clergy have expressed that, because of the small-sized system, there is a high probability that someone in your peer group may one day be appointed to the Cabinet and be in a place to discuss your ministry path. Pastors shared that it feels "risky" to open up to someone about your personal or professional struggles when they may someday serve as your supervisor. This reality accentuates the need for individuals "outside the system" who can create an environment where clergy feel safe to share their joys and challenges.

“We are hopeful that the Higher Ground Initiative will address some of these concerns, by building onto our support structures and systems that help clergy thrive,” says Deb Kjerstad, director of leadership development for the Dakotas Conference and program director of the Higher Ground Initiative.

Amber Laffey has been hired as the program assistant. She will work 20 hours each week providing direct support for the leadership and participants in Higher Ground. Amber will work out of the Dakotas Conference Office in Mitchell. Learn more about Amber here.

Kerjstad, Laffey, and Trefz will be joined by other key partners to lead the Higher Ground Initiative. In addition to partnering with the Dakotas United Methodist Foundation and coaching service providers, an advisory council to guide the overall vision and mission for Higher Ground is being formed. The Dakota Wholeness Task Force, led by Dr. Shawn Culey, Leana Stunes, Dakotas Conference Benefits Officer, the Dakotas Conference Board of Pensions, and the Dakotas Conference Board of Ordained Ministry will be key strategic partners in the ongoing development and alignment of this initiative.

The Dakotas United Methodist Foundation will play a significant role in the sustainment of the Higher Ground Iniative. The Foundation will seek sustainable funding resources from individuals, congregations, and organizations. "This is a critical program that will help us develop healthy, vibrant leaders for the future," says Sheri Meister, executive director of the Dakotas United Methodist Foundation.

The ultimate long-term outcome for the Higher Ground Initiative is a shift in culture. The expectation is to reframe the way clergy perceive and talk about the need for help in ministry, especially in the areas of spiritual and therapeutic coaching.

“Congregations can help by asking the question, how are we caring for our pastor(s),” said Kjerstad. “Pastors can't and shouldn't have to do it alone." 


Dakotas Annual Conference of The United Methodist Church 605.996.6552 1331 University Ave. Mitchell SD 57301-0460 US 43.69689310 -98.03291320 122 W. Franklin Avenue Ste 400 Minneapolis MN 55404 US 0.00000000 0.00000000 1331 W University Ave Mitchell SD 57301 US 0.00000000 0.00000000 1331 University Ave Mitchell SD 57301 US 0.00000000 0.00000000