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KWOW plants seeds of faith at Hettinger UMC

By: Doreen Gosmire, director of communication, Dakotas UMC

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K-WOW enjoy some Valentine fun at Hettinger UMC. Photos from Hettinger UMC's Facebook page.

"It only takes a spark to get a fire going. That's how it is with God's love once you've experienced it." These words, from the song "It Only Takes a Spark" by Kurt Kaiser, illustrate what is happening for children who head to the United Methodist Church in Hettinger, North Dakota, each Wednesday after school.

One of the ladies in the congregation noticed that there were not any kids coming to the church. She thought about this and then got an idea to invite elementary school children to come to the church after school every Wednesday. It is known as KWOW—Kids Worship on Wednesdays. 

"Hopefully, we are planting a seed for these children to know the stories of the Bible and about God. Each week, there is a snack, an arts and crafts activity, some movement—like a game, and a story around the Bible.," said Rev. Laurie Kidd, Hettinger UMC. "We have up to 15 children that come. We close our time in the sanctuary with singing, prayer concerns, and the Lord's Prayer."

KWOW has been happening for a few years. It started before Pastor Laurie arrived. There are a consistent 12-13 children at 4-5 p.m. each week—only one child attends church on Sundays, but not Hettinger UMC. The elementary school is about one mile from the United Methodist Church. Children get a ride to the church with parents, grandparents, or a carpool.

"It is amazing to see the children's interest and introduce them to things like the Lord's Prayer," said Pastor Laurie.

Five volunteers help with the different activities. One person leads the arts and crafts, another oversees snacks, someone leads the story, another the game, and someone leads closing.

"We can do it with four volunteers, but it is nice to have five. We have a group of people in the congregation serve as the volunteer leaders, and others sign up to bring snacks," Pastor Laurie shares.

One of the volunteers is a high school senior. She will graduate this spring, and a student currently in sixth grade hopes to be one of the volunteer helpers next year.

"Our program is for first through sixth-grade students. So, she will be a seventh grader next year, and it will be nice to have her help," Pastor Laurie said.

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Waiting for the Christmas program to start.

The students attending KWOW recently held a Christmas program for the community on a Sunday afternoon. The program used the scripture of the nativity from the book of Luke and Matthew and "The Greatest Gift—The Wise Ones' Journey" by Tom Roberts.

"It is a fun and exciting time for everyone. They all get a little nervous. I tell them it is OK to be nervous," said Pastor Laurie. "When I told the little boy who played Joseph his part, he said, "Who is Joseph?" Before he came to the church on Wednesdays, he had never been in a church. He is just a delight. He has been giving me hugs every time he sees me. It is just great to see him blossom!"

Each year, the leaders for KWOW gather to evaluate the past year and select the curriculum for the upcoming year. This year, they selected the curriculum Bible Story Basics from Cokesbury

"We are looking forward to doing Ash Wednesday with them. We do our own service and explain what Ash Wednesday is about. They love to get the ashes on their forehead. For Holy Week, we have a life-sized cross in the sanctuary," explains Pastor Laurie. "For Good Friday, we give them spike nails and have them put their sins into the cross with that nail. They ask questions like crazy. It is wonderful that they remember much of the stuff we discuss. It is such a joy!"


Dakotas Annual Conference of The United Methodist Church 605.996.6552 1331 University Ave. Mitchell SD 57301-0460 US 43.69689310 -98.03291320 122 W. Franklin Avenue Ste 400 Minneapolis MN 55404 US 0.00000000 0.00000000 1331 W University Ave Mitchell SD 57301 US 0.00000000 0.00000000 1331 University Ave Mitchell SD 57301 US 0.00000000 0.00000000