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McGovern a faithful disciple

Sioux Falls, S.D. --  The Dakotas Conference and the United Methodist Church remember a faithful servant, George McGovern, who passed away on October 21, 2012 at the Dougherty Hospice House in Sioux Falls, S.D. He is remembered throughout the nation and world as a presidential candidate, senator, international diplomat and humanitarian.  United Methodists will honor and remember him as a disciple of Jesus Christ who transformed the world. 

Faith and family

McGovern’s faith journey began in childhood.  George Stanley McGovern was born in Avon, South Dakota.  His father, Reverend Joseph McGovern, was the pastor of Wesleyan Methodist Church in Avon, SD.  Rev. Joseph McGovern and his wife Frances (McLean) McGovern moved the family and served churches in Calgary, Canada and Mitchell, SD.   

George McGovern, in What it Means to be a Democrat (2011), credits his parents and the teachings of John Wesley as the foundation of his faith. “We followed the path set by John Wesley, who believed that it was our responsibility to show compassion for the homeless, the sick, the vulnerable; for miners and factory workers.  From my earliest days, that message – which, at its center, is about basic human compassion – took root deep in my soul. ”

In 1940, McGovern became a student at Dakota Wesleyan University (DWU).  He had a forensic scholarship and was a great debater.  It was during this time he met his wife Eleanor.  His education was interrupted by war.  McGovern served as a pilot during World War II.  He returned to DWU and completed his degree after the war. 

McGovern entered Garrett Theological Seminary in Evanston, Illinois, near Chicago. He served as a pastor United Methodist at Diamond Lake Church in Mundelein, Illinois during 1946 and 1947 when his was a student. In late 1947, McGovern left the ministry and enrolled in graduate studies at Northwestern University in Evanston, Illinois earning a Ph.D. in history.

Faith and Leadership

Faith was a part of the many leadership roles McGovern held.  McGovern’s political career brought him to the U.S. House of Representatives, the U.S. Senate and a bid for the Presidency.  He announced his bid for the presidency in Aberdeen, S.D. Present were several United Methodist clergy including Rev. Boyd Blumer  “I remember the day well. He attended the church I was serving on that weekend before he made the announcement, noted Blumer” 

Former Bishop James Armstrong was in Aberdeen, South Dakota in 1972 to pray with the crowd at McGovern’s announcement to run for President.  Armstrong and McGovern were also delegates to the1968 World Council of Churches.  “We became close friends over the years, like a brother me.  His faith was deep and was influenced by his childhood, and his journey through life. Military service gave him a sense of futility and it motivated him to action.  His faith was applied Christianity.” 

McGovern’s effort to end hunger kept him connected with Church World Service throughout his life.  The Rev. John McCullough, a United Methodist pastor and executive director of Church World Service, saluted McGovern’s commitment to using his years of public service to bring about healing and reconciliation and called his death “a sad moment for our nation.”

Rev. Don Messer, former president of Dakota Wesleyan University (DWU) and executive director of Church for Church for Global AIDS, was a long-time friend and faith companion of McGovern.  “For him, the Social Gospel was not just a theory, but the core of his faith in seeking to make the world a better place,” said the Rev. Donald Messer.

McGovern interacted and made an impression on several United Methodist Bishops throughout the years.   Bishop Rueben Job saw McGovern as a model for John Wesley’s three simple rules: Do no harm. Do all the good you can. Stay in love with God. 

“Even though I was a campaign volunteer for Senator McGovern in 1972, met him, and like millions of other people heard him often I mostly observed his life from a distance. However, whenever I think of him the words integrity and fidelity come to mind. He practiced truth telling in every aspect of his life and career. After observing him for four decades I am convinced that he understood and practiced John Wesley's three simple rules. While a decorated veteran, he practiced peace, when it would have been easy to turn away from need, he chose the path of goodness and no one questioned his steady life of faith., recalled Rueben”

George McGovern lived his life as a leader through his faith.  He kept his foot in the United Methodist Church and the Dakotas Conference.  Bishop Mike Coyner, currently serving the Indiana Area, served the Dakotas Conference from 1996-2004, states, "I have great appreciation for Senator McGovern's leadership, faithful witness, and lifetime of service.  He will be missed."

Bishop Deborah Lieder Kiesey, Michigan Area, served the Dakotas Conference from 2004-2012 during the time the McGovern Library was built at DWU and McGovern had a home back in Mitchell.  Kiesey explained, “Faith and action were very closely related to him. A man of really deep faith, his passion and energy has caused worldwide good.  His work to end world hunger speaks volumes.”

Bishop Kiesey recalled when McGovern made arrangements to attend a North Central Jurisdiction meeting of the College of Bishops in Rapid City. S.D. “He spoke to us for over an hour and we could have listened for much longer. His presence showed his commitment to his faith and church.  The College of Bishops felt and heard his huge passion to end world hunger.  He is an amazing guy.  He lived his faith right up to the end. “

Bishop Bruce R. Ough, Dakotas-Minnesota Area will co-officiate and give the sermon at McGovern’s service.  “It is an honor and privilege for me to do so. Senator McGovern embodies the best of the Judea Christian prophetic tradition.  He is a person that throughout his life and as a leader has taught people to act with justice and compassion.  He has called us to all be our best.”

One of McGovern’s last public appearances was attending the Installation and Welcoming Service for Bishop Bruce Ough in Sioux Falls, S.D. McGovern enjoyed the day interacting with several clergy and laity from the Dakotas Conference.  “It is great to see so many United Methodists here loving the Lord on this fine day,” McGovern remarked. 

A song for God in his heart

McGovern spent the last years of his life between Mitchell, S.D., Sioux Falls, S.D. and St. Augustine, Florida.  He continued to practice and live out his faith in daily life. 

Rev. Neil Blair, former Vice President for Institutional Advancement at Dakota Wesleyan University stayed with McGovern in Mitchell, S.D.   “I had the honor of staying at George McGovern’s home for a few months and we spent many enjoyable hours singing United Methodist hymns.  He loved them, knew most of them by heart and had a wonderful singing voice.  He also talked about the power of the United Methodist Church in serving the poor and that he was proud to be counted among their members.”   

Rev. Bob Ruedebusch, Sioux Falls First UMC, provided pastoral care for and visited McGovern in the last few months.  “Growing up, the son of a Wesleyan pastor, he was always around the church.  He loved the music, Ruedebush noted, In one of my recent visits with him we sang, ‘Leaning on the Everlasting Arms.’  He started and I just joined in.”

Visitiaton will take place at 1:00 - 6:00 p.m. at Sioux Falls First UMC. A prayer service will be held on Thursday, October 25, 2012 at 6:30 p.m. at Sioux Falls First UMC.  The memorial service will be held at the Washington Pavillion , Sioux Falls, S.D. on Friday, October 26, 2012 at 1:00 p.m.

Click here for a full obituary


Dakotas Annual Conference of The United Methodist Church 605.996.6552 1331 University Ave. Mitchell SD 57301-0460 US 43.69689310 -98.03291320 122 W. Franklin Avenue Ste 400 Minneapolis MN 55404 US 0.00000000 0.00000000 1331 W University Ave Mitchell SD 57301 US 0.00000000 0.00000000 1331 University Ave Mitchell SD 57301 US 0.00000000 0.00000000