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This Week | August 8


Conference Position | Benefits and Human Resources Officer
    The Dakotas Annual Conference of The United Methodist Church is seeking a full-time Conference Benefits and Human Resources Officer to administer the conference clergy and lay staff benefits program, lead and direct conference human resource functions, and coordinate with the conference treasurer financial reporting for Wespath and the Board of Pensions. The full job description can be found here. To apply, email your resume and references to Leana Stunes at


Dinner Church Meet-up with Michael Beck | August 10, 9 a.m. CDT
 Are you are working on a  Dinner Church? Here is an opportunity for you to ask your questions and go deeper into this simple way to gather people around food and Jesus. Join our 90-minute Zoom meet up with Michael Beck. It's happening  August 10 at 9 a.m., central time. Join at this Zoom link

 Special Session | Register by August 11   
    Bishop Lanette Plambeck has called a Special Session of the Dakotas Annual Conference for August 15, 2023, to consider the ratification of disaffiliation agreements. The Special Session will be conducted virtually via Zoom webinar beginning at 7:00 p.m., central time,  6:00 p.m., mountain time. All voting members must register. To offset costs of broadcasting the registration fee is $20.00. Register and get all the details.

2023 Virtual Mission u | Aug. 10-12
    United Women in Faith have a commitment to life-long learning. Mission u is a perfect example of how that commitment is put into action—not just for ourselves, but to better reflect God’s love to others. This summer, do yourself a favor and attend this three-day learning adventure.  Coming up is the Virtual Mission u on August 10-12, 2023, on Zoom, access details.

Northeast District meet and greet sessions with Bishop Lanette | August 13
Bishop Lanette Plambeck will greet people and engage in conversation on August 13, 2023. She plans to preach at Faith United Methodist Church, 909 19th Avenue North, Fargo, North Dakota, during worship at 10 a.m. followed by a potluck at 11:15 a.m., and a time for conversations and questions at 12:15 p.m. On that same day, Bishop Lanette will meet people at First United Methodist Church, 4 Second Avenue Southeast, Watertown, South Dakota for a potluck meal starting at 5:30 p.m. The meal will be followed by conversation and a time for questions at 6:15 p.m.


Foundations of Faith Community Nursing course | Early bird registration ends August 17
The Foundations of Faith Community Nurse (FCN) course prepares registered nurses to provide leadership as a faith community/parish nurse in a church/faith community or agency, as well as incorporate holistic care skills into their current nursing practice. This is a collaborative course offering of Augustana University, Avera Health, and Sanford Health. The course will begin with a two-day in-person event on the Augustana University campus on September 14-15, 2023, as well as a virtual option at that time. A final day wrap up and commissioning event will be held on Friday, Oct. 27, 2023, at the end of the 6-week course. Get the details.

Explore How to become a UM EarthKeeper | Apply by August 23
Join other UMs who are leading grassroots environmental projects that are action-oriented, antiracist, bold, and entrepreneurial. UM Board of Global Ministries' EarthKeepers training helps people to launch and grow environmental projects in their communities. Topics include eco-theology, antiracism, community organizing, and project planning. Apply to be part of next training events take place Oct. 5-8 in Birmingham, Ala.; Denver, Colo.; and Hartford, Conn.

Scripture Circles for Clergy | September start
    Scripture Circles for Clergy will take place Mondays, Sept. 11-Nov. 20; Tuesdays, Sept. 12-Nov. 21; or Wednesdays, Sept. 13-Nov. 22, 10:30 a.m.-noon CT, online. Clergy, take time to discuss and savor the original language and context of scripture in these small group experiences through a combination of spiritual direction and deep bible study.

National Day of Volunteer Training | September 23, 2023
    Fargo First UMC is once again hosting National Day of Volunteer Training through Download Youth Ministry. The date for this year's training is September 23, beginning at 9 a.m. Bring your team to this training. Current pricing is $99.00 for everyone on your team. Prices will go up on May 1. The training will be finished by noon. Fargo First UMC will be providing lunch for all attendees after the training. Please mark your calendars, register, and join us. 

Leadership Institute | September 27-29
Leadership Institute, Resurrection's annual leadership conference for church leaders, is Sept. 27-29, featuring many great speakers, including Rev. Adam Hamilton and Carey Nieuwhof.

Fresh Expressions | September 30
    Bring your teams and join Rev. Dr. Michael Beck as we imagine new ways to reach new people in new places. Join us, September 30 at 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., at one of the hub sites across the Dakotas and Minnesota Conferences. Register now

Lay Ministry Academy  |  October 13-15
The upcoming Lay Academy will help strengthen your understanding and skills for planning and leading the spoken parts of worship, including preaching.  Register for training beginning at 1 p.m., Friday, October 13, and finishing early afternoon on Sunday, Oactober 15, at Huron Riverview UMC. 


Shoebox Christmas 2023 | Gifts needed at drop off locations November 10
Start collecting your Shoebox Christmas giftsSpirit Lake Ministry Center coordinates Shoebox Christmas gifts to over 6,000 children across the reservations of North Dakota, South Dakota and into Minnnesota. Learn more about Shoebox Christmas gifts and the dropoff loactions. 

UMCOR kit update
The Dakotas Conference is no longer collecting UMCOR mission kits. UMCOR recognizes that shipping these items may cause harm if the materials displace potential local purchases that would otherwise support the local economy. To this end, UMCOR determined that it would cease international shipment of material assistance. Even within the United States, the collection and distribution of relief kits are becoming challenging. Instead, consider supporting Midwest Mission or one of the Dakotas Conference mission ministries.


Financial Ministry Grant |  Growing generous givers
If you are interested in learning more about growing generous givers, starting a study such as Saving Grace, or providing a growth opportunity for key leaders, consider applying for a Financial Ministry Grant of up to $500 to fund your effort. Whatever your method for improving the financial health of your church and embedding the value of generosity into your church culture, some financial support can jumpstart your efforts! Apply for the Financial Ministry Grant using a simple application found here.

NCJ Mission Council Grant | Apply by September 1
The North Central Jurisdiction Mission is announcing that applications are now being received for grant funding for 2024. As you consider your grant submission, the Mission Council asks that you thoughtfully consider how this grant will be a benefit to the entire jurisdiction in its scope and how you intend on communicating the use of your program through the jurisdiction. Applications are due September 1, 2023
Discipleship Ministries | Ethnic Ministries Grant
    Discipleship Ministries is offering grants of up to $10,000 to support racial ethnic local churches. Deadline for applying is September 30, 2023. 


Jobs Available
    We're hiring! Take a look at the job announcements across the Dakotas Conference. Get the details on jobs available at these Conference churches and organizations.

Ministry / Office Assistant | Brandan Celebration UMC
Celebration UMC in Brandon, SD is now hiring for the position of Ministry/ Office Assistant. We are seeking a Christian, competent, energetic, motivated, and personable ministry assistant to join our dynamic team. This person will work directly with the pastoral team to provide personalized administrative and ministry support in a well-organized and timely manner. Duties include coordinating church communications, assisting with special projects, updating online and social media content, managing facility rentals, and assisting pastors with tasks essential to the ministry of the church. If you are interested in this position, please contact Addy Kenkel at

Conference Position | Assistant Benefits and HR Administrator
    The Dakotas Conference Benefits Office is seeking a full-time Assistant Benefits and Human Resources Administrator to assist with administering the conference clergy and lay staff benefits programs and human resource functions. The full job description can be found here. To apply, email your resume and references to Leana Stunes at

Worship Arts Director  | Legacy UMC
     Legacy is looking for a full-time Worship Arts Director, a person with a visible and contagious love for Jesus lived out in passionate worship. This person should be a good communicator with a creative spirit, possessing the musical ability to lead vocally and instrumentally and the leadership to develop the gifts and talents of a diverse team. See the full job description here.


Dakotas Annual Conference of The United Methodist Church 605.996.6552 1331 University Ave. Mitchell SD 57301-0460 US 43.69689310 -98.03291320 122 W. Franklin Avenue Ste 400 Minneapolis MN 55404 US 0.00000000 0.00000000 1331 W University Ave Mitchell SD 57301 US 0.00000000 0.00000000 1331 University Ave Mitchell SD 57301 US 0.00000000 0.00000000