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Waffle church at Canyon Lake UMC

Story and photos by Pastor Holly Sortland, discipleship pastor, Rapid City Canyon Lake United Methodist Church

"One of my favorite things about Jesus is that he loved to eat." —Pastor Holly Sortland, Rapid City Canyon Lake United Methodist Church.

The gospel tell us that miracles happen when people gather around food. Jesus' first miracle occurred at wedding banquet, he multiplied loaves and fish to feed thousands, and his his disciples recognized him when he broke bread with them. 

"I think Jesus wants us know that sharing a meal with one another breaks down barriers," said Holly Sortland, who serves as Discipleship Pastor at Canyon Lake United Methodist Church. 

That idea inspired her to start "Waffle Church," a faith gathering that has occurred every other Saturday throughout the summer. Sortland was inspired after she read about a church in Brooklyn, NY that started a "Waffle Church."    

"What I love about it is that families stay together, they talk with their neighbors, they eat and they learn about the love of God," Sortland says.

What happens at Waffle Church? "A lot of chaos," said Sortland. "Kids are running and playing, we have toys and play mats set up right next to the tables, and of course, people are helping themselves to the waffle bar."  Photo: Linda Converse of Canyon Lake UMC helps children at Waffle Church. Photo by Holly Sortland.

But a lot more happens. Those gathered share music, a short lesson about the love of Jesus and each gathering ends with goldfish crackers and grape juice. Children are then invited to serve the crackers and juice to their family members and others.

 "It's time at God's table," said Sortland. "As the children gather around, we are reminded that this is GOD's table and nothing can keep them from receiving God's love. That's where the magic of the Holy Spirit happens. It is incredibly touching to watch a mother tear-up when her child serves her."
The ministry is turning into a gathering where everyone serves together. Families help prepare food and everyone helps with the clean-up.  James Hill, who just started attending  Canyon Lake United Methodist within the past year, has been volunteering his time to make the waffles, along with his teen-age daughter, Tyanne.

"We also had another couple who started coming after they saw our sign. They've been coming ever since, and last weekend Brett Ray brought his guitar and led music for us."Sortland said.

She is also encouraged by the the number of Native American families who have been taking part in the gatherings. 

Sortland said, "We have a lot that we can share and learn from our Native American brothers and sisters, and I think we are called by God to grow a ministry that reflects the diversity of God's people."

What's next for this new ministry?  Sortland says they are planning a waffle outreach event to coincide with the church-wide rummage sale later this month, and plans are in the works for a fall gathering schedule. Photo by Holly Sortland.

"The wonderful thing about waffles is that you can eat them anywhere," said Sortland. "Church can happen anywhere. God's table is everywhere."

To learn more about Waffle Church follow the ministry on their Facebook page


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