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Camps and Events

FAQ's - Frequently Asked Questions

Don't see the question or answer you're looking for? We are happy to help! 
E-mail us or give us a call at 855-622-1973.

How do I register for camp?

We encourage people to register on-line if possible. It is the fastest way to secure your spot in camp. However, if you need to register by mail or over the phone, we are very happy to help. Give us a call, toll free, at 855-622-1973. If we don’t answer immediately, please leave a message and we will respond.

  1. On-line - Visit our direct online registration web page, or search through our camps and events page, then click on register at the bottom of the page. For more detailed instructions about online registration, click here.
  2. Over the phone - Please give us a call at 1-855-622-1973 Monday through Thursday, 8:30 am to 4:30 pm, and Friday, 9:00 am to 4:00 pm, Central Time.
  3. Paper Registration - Click here for the registration form.
    • Complete and mail to DAK-MN Area United Methodist Camping Office, 122 W Franklin Ave., Suite 400, Minneapolis, MN 55404.
    • Or email your completed form to info@dakcamps.orgMake checks payable to Dakota UM Camps.

I’m registering on-line, or I’m planning to register on-line, and have some questions.

Dakotas UM Camping has partnered with Campwise, a nationally recognized leader in camp management software, for on-line registrations. Please click here for detailed instructions and help with some of the most common on-line registration challenges. Feel free to contact the camping office with questions.

How do I determine my camper's grade for registration purposes?

Camper grade = grade completed as of June 2025.

How can I pay for camp?

A $50 deposit is required on 2-night camps, and longer camps require a $100 deposit with each camp registration unless otherwise indicated. Once you have completed your registration, you can pay online through your Dashboard. The balance is due two weeks prior to the start of camp. You can always return to your online registration Dashboard to make additional payments or call 855-622-1973 to make a credit card payment over the phone.

Checks can be mailed to:
Dakotas/Minnesota Area Camping Office

122 W. Franklin Ave., Suite 400
Minneapolis, MN 55404

What if I need financial assistance?

Our Camp and Retreat leadership team feels strongly that everyone who wants to attend camp should be able to do so, and that no camper will be turned away due to lack of funds. We provide Camp Scholarships (Camperships) to the individuals who need them most. Our expectation is that your local church, personal funds, other sources of support and Campership support will combine to cover the registration cost for one camp per person in a year. First register for camp, making the payment that you are able to make, and then apply for a Campership as soon as possible. If you are not able to make a payment, register anyway and apply for the financial assistance. 

Click here to apply for a Campership.

When does Early Bird registration end?

Early bird registration ends April 30. The Early Bird discount is $5 off per night at camp. So, a two-night camp would be $10 off. If you are unsure of the prices, they are included online in Camp and Events.  Find the camp you are interested in and click anywhere inside the gray box to see full detail about the camp. If you register though our online registration system, the Early Bird price will automatically be charged.

What is the Bring-A-Friend Discount?

For each New* Camper you or your child brings to camp, you will receive $25.00** off the price of your camp.  This is our way of thanking you for helping us make camp even better by bringing along a friend! After you register for camp through the online registration system, go to the Forms section of your Dashboard. Open the form titled Bring-a-Friend Discount Request. List your friend and the camp they are attending, and the discount will be applied when they register for camp. 
*New campers are defined as those who have not been to any Dakota Camps United Methodist camping event in the past three years.
**Discounts cannot exceed the cost of your event registration fee.

What is my church discount code?

Some churches pay part of the registration fee for their campers. You will need to contact your church to receive this code. The online registration system will prompt you to type in your code. If you have trouble applying the code or receive an error message, please contact the central camping office at 855-622-1973, and we will be happy to assist you.

What happens after I register?

If you sign up for camp through the online registration system, you will receive a confirmation email. If you do not receive it, your registration was not complete. Return to your Dashboard to finish registration. Required forms to attend camp can be filled out online in the Online tab of the Forms section of the Dashboard. Please have the online forms completed at least ten days before camp starts. You do not need to print forms if you completed them online. The Camp Welcome Letter with check-in information and packing list is available in the Download Forms tab.

If you registered by paper, phone or email, you will receive a confirmation packet within two weeks that will include the required forms to fill out and bring to camp check-in plus the Camp Welcome Letter with information about check-in and a packing list. If you do not receive this packet within two weeks after you register, please call the central camping office.

If you prefer to have all the forms and camp information sent via US postal mail or would like it emailed as attachments, please email requesting the information, or call the central camping office between 8:30 am and 3:30 pm Central Time Monday through Thursday, and betweem 8:30 am and noon on Friday.

What is your cancellation policy?

If the camping office needs to cancel a camp, you will be notified and receive a full refund.

All camper cancellations must be received in writing at Please call the camping office at (855) 622-1973 with any questions.

If a cancellation is received:

  • More than 21 days before the start of camp, a full refund will be given.
  • Between 15-20 days prior to the start of camp, a full refund minus a $50 processing fee will be given.
  • Between 8-14 days prior to the start of camp, we will give a full refund minus a $100 processing fee.
  •  Less than 7 days prior to the start of camp, no refund will be issued.
  • A no call/no show to camp will result in forfeit of all payments.

Full refunds will be given in the event of a documented illness or family emergency. In all cases, a refund will be issued only if requested.

Do I register by the grade completed or next year’s grade?

For camps that register based on grade in school, choose the grade completed prior to the start of summer camps.

Can my child go to your camps?

Absolutely! All Dakotas UMC camps are open to everyone, regardless of race, sex, color, national origin, sexual orientation, age, or disability.  Additionally, campers need not be United Methodist. All campsite program staff members receive training on the inclusion of those with disabilities, and the campsites welcome such persons. Off-site and wilderness-based camps present more challenges for individuals with disabilities, and arrangements for those are made on an individual basis. 

How do I register my child with special needs? 

  • Fill out the Camper's Needs information section on the paper registration form, or the Camper Profile form in the Forms Section of your online registration dashboard.
  • Provide additional comments where indicated.
  • A Dakotas United Methodist Camping representative will contact you regarding your camper's need and integration services.
  • Personal care attendants are welcome to attend camp with their camper.

If you have anything that you would like to discuss with us further, please contact the central camping office or the campsite your camper wishes to attend.

What does a typical day at camp look like? 

Each camping event has its uniqueness. However, most will follow a daily schedule that includes the activities highlighted by the session chosen, worship and Bible study, specialized activities, meals and snacks, large group and small group activities, an afternoon rest time, swimming, and evening campfire.

What do I need to bring to camp? 

Check your camp welcome letter for a list of specific items to bring with you - and few things to make sure and leave at home.  Find it in the Forms section, Download tab of your online registration Dashboard. If you registered by mail, phone or email you should have received it in your registration packet. The camp welcome letter may also be found under the description of your camp in the Camp and Events section of our website.

If you complete your required forms through the online registration sytstem at least ten days prior to camp, you DO NOT need to print and bring those forms with you.

If you do not fill out your required forms online at least ten days prior to camp, please print, complete, and take the following forms with you to camp check in:

Are there any items that I should NOT bring to camp? 

Yes. Please do not bring any of the following: Cell Phones, personal equipment such as sports equipment or electronics, fireworks, lighters/matches, extra food/snacks/drinks, animals, alcohol, tobacco, drugs, weapons, or vehicles.  If you have any questions about other items, please contact the camp you will be attending. 

Do I need to bring money to camp? 

Extra money is not necessary. Your camp fee includes meals and snacks. However, many campers enjoy having some money for extra snacks at the canteen or to spend at the camp store for favorite items such as T-shirts, sweatshirts, hats, water bottles and other fun gear. Money can be put in a camper’s store account via online payment or by cash brought to camp check-in.  Any left-over money will be returned at check-out.

Do you offer transportation? 

The camping office is unable to coordinate or arrange rides for campers. It’s always fun to drive to camp with a friend! We encourage those interested in carpooling to check with their local church or camp ambassador.

What if my child has health problems or takes medications? 

Each camp has a Health Care Manager or a Camp Nurse qual­ified to handle accidents and health issues and who will oversee distribution of medications. When you register, please let us know your camper's specific situation by filling out the Camper's Needs information section on the paper registration form, or the Camper Profile form in the Forms Section of your online registration dashboard.

Medications are collected at camper check-in on the first day of camp. At that time, parents will have the opportunity to speak with the Health Care Manager and discuss any special medical con­siderations we need to be aware of.

Be sure you have completed the required CAMPER Medical Information Form and the Aditional Page for CAMPER Medication (if needed) either through the online registratrion system at least ten days before camp OR bring the paper version with you to camp check-in.

How are campers grouped into cabins?  

Campers are grouped into living groups based on age and gender. Campers may request up to one cabin mate.  We do our best to honor requests.  To request a cabin mate, simply complete the appropriate section on your paper registration form or look for the Cabin Mate section of your online registration Dashboard.

How do I send a message to my camper when they are at camp? 

Please see your Camp Welcome Letter for mailing, emailing or emergency contact information. Find your welcome letter in the Forms section, Download tab of your online registration Dashboard. If you registered by mail, phone or email you should have received it in your registration packet. The camp welcome letter may also be found under the description of your camp in the Camp and Events section of our website.

Please see the Contact Us section of the website for campsite phone numbers and email addresses.

I am concerned about safety. How can I be certain my child will be safe at camp? 

We are proud that our United Methodist Camps are accredited by the American Camp Association (ACA), the national ac­crediting body for camping programs and a leader in childhood development, education and welfare. To earn accreditation, camps must comply with up to 300 health, safety, and program quality standards. Across the country, only one in five camps seeks and earns this distinction. Lake Poinsett Camp, Storm Mountain Center and Wesley Acres Camp regularly review every facet of their program and opera­tions. No accreditation process, no licensing program, no set of regulations or laws can guarantee safety. However, accreditation is evidence for parents that a camp is committed to providing a safe and nurturing environment for their children.

I still have some questions or concerns about my child's time at camp. 

If you have questions, concerns, or wish to pass along important information, you are welcome and encouraged to contact our camping leadership team including our campsite directors, central office staff, and executive director of camp and retreat ministry using the contact information provided here.  Call us at 855-622-1973 or email us at


Dakotas Annual Conference of The United Methodist Church 605.996.6552 AC25 slider (1).jpg 1331 University Ave. Mitchell SD 57301-0460 US 43.69689310 -98.03291320 122 W. Franklin Avenue Ste 400 Minneapolis MN 55404 US 0.00000000 0.00000000 1331 W University Ave Mitchell SD 57301 US 0.00000000 0.00000000 1331 University Ave Mitchell SD 57301 US 0.00000000 0.00000000