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Camp Curriculum

2025 Summer Curriculum - Another Way

Another Way Cover

Jesus often confronted the world around him with another way of being and by his example, we are reminded that God always invites us to reimagine who we are and how we do things. Being at camp, we are already finding another way, apart from the trappings and distractions of home. In the peace of this space, we will explore what would change if we lived as our authentic selves and respected the truths of others. In this humility, we will imagine how growing changes the way we live. In this potential for transformation, we will imagine how our personal change meets the change we seek in the world. Whether we are addressing unfair rules or dreaming of a time when all people belong, we know that God calls us to do a new thing and faithfully forge another way. 

What you will find in Another Way

Another Way all-inclusive summer camp curriculum includes materials for a full week's worth of activities for different age levels. You'll find:

  • Bible study and community building activities for five age groups
  • Separate worship resources designed specifically for children and youth
  • Activity sheets to send home with campers for engaging families
  • “Letters from Camp” – templates you can adapt and send out to campers and families all year long
  • Crafts, games, science and nature, multi-day projects, challenges and group building, and much more!

Daily Overview for Another Way

Day 1    Psalm 46:1-3, 10 (NRSV)     Be Still                               

  • Offer space to unplug, center ourselves, and begin self-reflection.
  • Share about God’s steadfast presence in and with everyone.
  • Seek to create a refuge in the camp community.
  • Ponder when we have or have not felt God’s presence in times of change or trouble.

Day 2    Luke 18:9-14     Get Real     Pharisee and Tax Collector       

  • Invite a release from the pressures and challenges of sharing our authentic selves.
  • Explore the relationship between humility and judgment for ourselves and others.
  • Reflect on assumptions and expectations around piety and faithfulness.
  • Examine God’s grace for all people, including ourselves.

Day 3    Acts 9:1-22     Know and Grow     Saul and Ananias          

  • Name how big and small discoveries can be a revelation from God.
  • Imagine how past experiences can lead us to change and grow.
  • Reflect on the challenges created by living into a new identity or self-perception.
  • Explore how changing ourselves impacts our relationship with God and others.

Day 4    Matthew 3:1-6     Wild Ideas     John the Baptist             

  • Consider the multiple influences and voices in our lives.
  • Share what bold or unique voices inspire us.
  • Discern how we recognize God’s voice within and around us.
  • Affirm the voices within ourselves that call us to live in new ways.
  • Explore what it means to “prepare a way” for God. 

Day 5    Numbers 27:1-8, 11b     Change the Rules     Daughters of Zelophehad          

  • Discuss how rules can change to meet all people’s needs.
  • Inspire each other to find the courage to confront injustice.
  • Explore what it takes to create change in the world.
  • Imagine who we might work with to be leaders of change.        

Day 6    Acts 10:1-36     All In     Peter and Cornelius’ Dreams  

  • Invite campers to share their dreams with others.
  • Courageously confront our biases that label others as “bad” or “unclean”.
  • Embrace new community practices that reflect God’s radically inclusive love.
  • Explore how shared time, space, and dreams build relationships.
  • Acknowledge all are welcome to Christ’s table.

Day 7    Isaiah 43:19-21     Go!                      

  • Prepare campers to recognize God doing new things.
  • Be empowered to live and lead in new ways.
  • Be assured God is always moving and making changes.
  • Become partners with God in the new things that will happen in the world.     

If you would like the current curriculum and resources, please contact the site where you will be volunteering!

Camper Safety is a Top Priority    


Camper health and safety and overall program quality are very important to us, and very important to parents. ACA is a rigorous accreditation process that helps us go above and beyond with our commitment to providing you with the best experience possible.

United Methodist Church Partnership

The Dakotas Camp and Retreat ministry is part of the ministry of the Dakotas Annual Conference of the United Methodist Church. With two camps in South Dakota and one in North Dakota, we offer Christian hospitality and places apart where all individuals may experience God’s grace and love, and grow in discipleship. Close friendships and Christian community typically grow quickly at camp where lives are positively transformed.

In addition, we partner with local churches as we work together to continue to grow disciples and leaders that are making a difference in their schools, churches, and communities. Thank you for the prayers and support as we continue the journey of making disciples for Jesus Christ.


Dakotas Annual Conference of The United Methodist Church 605.996.6552 AC25 slider (1).jpg 1331 University Ave. Mitchell SD 57301-0460 US 43.69689310 -98.03291320 122 W. Franklin Avenue Ste 400 Minneapolis MN 55404 US 0.00000000 0.00000000 1331 W University Ave Mitchell SD 57301 US 0.00000000 0.00000000 1331 University Ave Mitchell SD 57301 US 0.00000000 0.00000000