Are you or someone you know looking for a summer job that provides plenty of time outdoors, great fun with people of all ages, and an opportunity to positively impact the lives of children and youth? If so, let us know!
Join in the fun and help share Christ, Creation, and Community with campers of all ages at one of three Dakotas United Methodist camps! Now hiring cabin leaders, program leaders, support staff, and health care staff. All positions include industry competitive salary, room, board, opportunities for certifications, and an unforgettable, life changing experience. Year-round opportunities may be available. All applicants must be 18 or older.
Year-round and seasonal hourly positions may also be available for local commuters age 16+ who live off site.
To apply for a summer staff position, complete a staff application.
Click here to see a list of job descriptions.
If you would like to speak to someone about opportunities for you this coming summer, click here to contact our year-round camp directors or administrative staff.
Contact Lake Poinsett: Rev. Nicole Anderson
Contact Storm Mountain Center: Tanner Clark
Contact Wesley Acres: Lori Falaide
No year-round job openings at this time. Please check back!