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Missional Report

Missional Report

The 2023-24 Missional Report encourages and reminds us, as we need not fear as God is with us. The Dakotas Conference lives out redemption as lay people and clergy persons live out their call from God. In the past year, United Methodists across the Dakotas have grown in their love of Jesus and shared that love with others.

The report is framed around Isaiah 43:1, the theme of this year’s gathering is “Jesus. Redeemer.” We are all called and redeemed by God. God rightfully declares: "You are mine." The Lord not only knows us each by name, but God also calls us by name. For distinct parts of Isaiah are highlighted. How we encounter our fears and turn them over to God; believing and sharing God’s redemptive power; living into the call God has placed on our lives; and leaning on and spreading God’s love for us.

Here are four ways to use the Missional Report to enhance ministry in your church.

A visioning tool: Throughout the Missional Report there are examples of local churches that are making disciples and are IN mission and ON mission. Gather your leadership, or the entire congregations, and watch the 2023-2024 Missional Report. After each of the four sections of the report, consider these questions:

  • Do Not Fear: Where does fear get in the way —what stops us from reaching the next person for Jesus? (View Missional Report video from the beginning to six minutes)
  • Redeemed: What practices and processes do we need to change? (View Missional Report video from six to 10.5 minutes)
  • Called: What is God calling us to do? How can we live out that call?  What is one thing we plan to do different in 90 days, the next year, the next two years? (View Missional Report video from 11 to 14.5 minutes)
  • You are Mine: What are ways that you will share God’s love? How will you invite the next person to Jesus? What is your ultimate vision for the future? (View Missional Report video from 14.5 to 23 minutes)

Small group study. The Missional Report can serve as a four-session small group study. Here are four study guides to frame the small group discussion.

  1. Session one guide, Do not Fear (View Missional Report video, the first 6 minutes)
  2. Session two guide, Redeemed (Use Missional Report video six to 10.5 minutes)
  3. Session three guide, Called (Use Missional Report video 10.5 to 16 minutes)
  4. Session four guide, You are Mine (Use Missional Report video 16 to 20 minutes)

Sermon series. Use the 2023-2024 as a four-week sermon series, titled, “Jesus. Redeemer.” Frame the sermon series with prayer, using this Breakthrough prayer.  Here is an example of how the series might shape up.

  • Week one, Do not Fear—Use Isaiah 43:1 as the scripture focus. Key topics include: The way fear gets in our way. Why do we let fear stop us? Why and when we do not recognize God in our lives? Pre-occupation with fear and anxiety of today’s world blinds our view of the presence of God and trust for God.  Use the first six minutes of the Missional Report)
  • Week two, Redeemed— Use Isaiah 43:1-2 as the scripture focus. Key topics include: God shows up for ordinary people living their lives in many ways. Christ shoes up when we least expect it and often, we don’t recognize God’s redemptive power. Christ is with us, even when we don’t see it or thing we deserve it. Use Missional Report video from 6 to 10.5 minutes. 
  • Week three, Called —Use Matthew 4:19 as the scripture focus. Key ideas include: We are called by God. Each of us are called by God in different ways, at different times, again and again in our lives. Listening and following God’s call for our lives transform each of us. When we are true to God’s call, the Holy Spirit enters our hearts and souls when we are open to transformation.  Use Missional Report video use 10.5-16 minutes.
  • Week four, You are Mine—Use Matthew 19:14 as the scripture focus. Key ideas include: God loves us and claims each of us by name. In today’s world we cannot afford to wait to share God’s love. Responding to the nudges of the Holy Spirit or transformational experiences is our call today to be disciples of Jesus Christ. They are many ways we can respond in our community and world.  Use Missional Report video 16-20 minutes.


Dakotas Annual Conference of The United Methodist Church 605.996.6552 1331 University Ave. Mitchell SD 57301-0460 US 43.69689310 -98.03291320 122 W. Franklin Avenue Ste 400 Minneapolis MN 55404 US 0.00000000 0.00000000 1331 W University Ave Mitchell SD 57301 US 0.00000000 0.00000000 1331 University Ave Mitchell SD 57301 US 0.00000000 0.00000000