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Clergy Total Well-being

Clergy Total Well-being

The Life Wheel

As clergy of the Dakotas Annual Conference, the life wheel is introduced at New Clergy Orientation and Clergy Leadership Academy. Periodic reflection with the life wheel dimensions can help you identify what well-being dimensions need attention.

Download or print the life wheel. Take a few moments and reflect on your current life. Review the life wheel and the dimensions of life that are highlighted. Ask yourself how am I doing in this dimension? Some individuals like to give themselves a ranking or score of well-being in each domain on a scale of 1 to 10—from low to thriving in a particular domain. Some individuals journal in the lines about what is giving health in the domain or what is missing that would create greater well-being.

After a period of reflection with the life wheel, consider where you wish to focus your efforts to improve your well-being. You may find you need to set a goal in one or two areas. As noted above, the dimensions are interrelated, with the health of one affecting the other. After you identify your areas of focus, refer to the resources below. These resources may be helpful tools in achieving your well-being goals.

Next Steps . . .

We encourage you to share your concerns with someone you trust. Someone with your best interests at heart. Someone who can encourage and support you during difficult times. Your district superintendent is a tremendous resource and is often the best first person to seek out.
Others who are prepared and equipped to provide support and connect you with resources include:

  • JoAnn Early, Conference Benefits and human resources Officer (CBO)
  • Diane Owen, Area Director of Clergy Well-being
  • Shawn Culey, physician and Higher Ground leader

While each team member may have an area of “expertise”, any of them can listen to your concerns and connect you to the right resource. We want to help you find resources and support to help make positive changes in each of the well-being dimensions. Continue reading to learn more.
The latest resources:  2024 Clergy Time Off and Leaves: Guidelines and Considerations 

Total Well-being

Effort to achieve total well-being requires paying attention to all dimensions of well-being, attempting to manage the gaps and find balance among the dimensions. A wholistic approach, total well-being implies that a person is thriving in all dimensions including the ways each dimension relates to the others. The following provides resources in all dimensions.

  • The Center for Spirituality and Healing (University of MN) provides a holistic approach to taking charge of health and well-being. Each dimension of well-being is explored through articles, practices, videos, and other tools.
    Find resources at the Center for Spirituality and Healing here.
  • Higher Ground provides funding for Coaching and Counseling resources (12 sessions per year) in any of the primary wellbeing dimensions. A pastor requests resources directly through their DS who, in turn, recommends the pastor’s request to Diane Owen. 
    See more Higher Ground information here.

Financial Well-Being

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If we feel stressed or insecure about finances, it can be difficult to focus and be our best in career and other areas of life. Studies find that those who feel financially secure are more likely to be healthier than those who don’t feel they are in control of their finances. Keep in mind that being financially healthy isn’t about how much money we make, but rather how we manage what we have. This dimension focuses on attitudes toward money, building sound financial habits and using tools to effectively manage financial resources.
Do you need help reducing education debt? Would a financial counselor or planner a helpful resource at this stage of your life?  To assist you in the financial well-being dimension, these resources and more are available here.

Mental/Emotional Well-Being

The mind-body connection is powerful. Tending to our emotional well-being can help us feel better physically, and vice versa. Emotional well-being includes the ability to manage your feelings and related behaviors, cope effectively with stress and adapt to change. This dimension focuses on awareness and acceptance of stressors and feelings, both positive and negative. The following resources can aid in improving mental and emotional well-being.

  • Review this comprehensive guide to access the Employee Assistance Program (EAP) and mental health providers through HealthFlex insurance. Refer to the Mental Health process guide (detailed step-by-step guide) or contact JoAnn Early, CBO, at 605-990-7785 or e-mail.
  • Mental Health Support & Addiction Support
  • Sioux Falls Psychological provides virtual sessions. Your district superintendent can provide information or contact JoAnn Early, CBO, at 605-990-7785 or e-mail.
  • LeaderWise offers counseling. Counselors are on both the EAP (Optum) and BCBS of IL provider lists. Call the office at 651-636-5120 or via e-mail to set up an appointment. View the counselors and their profiles here. For those not participating in the insurance plan and needing access to funds, clergy should contact Diane Owen or JoAnn Early for assistance.
  • Counseling Financial Assistance Program: Funds for counseling services (other than available through EAP and insurance) or to assist payment towards the deductible are available through the clergy well-being initiative. Contact JoAnn Early, Conference benefits officer, at 605-990-7785 or e-mail or Diane Owen, Area Director of Clergy Well-being at 507-244-0311 or e-mail.

Physical Well-Being

Taking care of our body is essential for our physical health, and it’s closely linked with many other aspects of our well-being. This dimension focuses on the importance of moderate daily activity, proper nutrition, maintaining a healthy weight, preventive care, and managing chronic health conditions. Research shows that physical activity lowers the risk of many chronic conditions (diabetes, heart disease, obesity and bone and joint problems). It can also improve our mood and boost our energy. Refer to the following resources to assist with physical well-being.

  • Weight Watchers, a nutrition and weight reduction program, is available at a 50% discount for those enrolled in HealthFlex insurance. Go to Wespath and sign into your HealthFlex account. Or contact JoAnn Early, CBO, at 605-990-7785 or email.
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Spiritual Well-Being

Spiritual well-being can bring inner peace, a contentment with our current situation and self. This dimension centers on relationships and activities that support and enhance our spiritual well-being, such as prayer, meditation and worship. Below are resources to support the spiritual well-being dimension.

  • Susan Reese, certified spiritual director with Sioux Falls Seminary, is available for virtual appointments. Contact Susan via e-mail.
  • Lin Van Hofwegen, certified spiritual director, is available for virtual appointments. Contact Lin via e-mail.
  • Spiritual Direction Financial Assistance offered through Higher Ground. Contact Diane Owen, Area Director of Clergy Well-being, by e-mail
  • LeaderWise offers virtual sessions with a spiritual director during this season. Call the office at 651-636-5120 or e-mail at to set up an appointment.
  • Audio guided practices developed by Matt Bloom, Flourishing in Ministry, are available through the free app resource for spiritual practice called, Ritual: Well-being (Apple only).


Dakotas Annual Conference of The United Methodist Church 605.996.6552 1331 University Ave. Mitchell SD 57301-0460 US 43.69689310 -98.03291320 122 W. Franklin Avenue Ste 400 Minneapolis MN 55404 US 0.00000000 0.00000000 1331 W University Ave Mitchell SD 57301 US 0.00000000 0.00000000 1331 University Ave Mitchell SD 57301 US 0.00000000 0.00000000