Board of Ordained Ministry
DAKOTAS LICENSING SCHOOL - June 22-26, 2025 at Lake Poinsett, SD
Registration will open soon. Please contact the dean Annie Carlson for any questions.
Our Faculty:
Annie Carlson - Dean, Worship, Pastoral Self-Care
Dayne Zachrison - Assistant Dean, Discipleship
Scott McKirdy - Mission & Evangelism
John Anderson - Intro to the Bible, Preaching
Marilyn Spurrell - Pastoral Care
Duane Coates - Administration, United Methodism
Candidate Forum
Rev. Sara McManus, the registrar for the Dakotas Conference Board of Ordained Ministry, is the host of a forum for candidates for ministry. Please check back to see when the next one is planned.
If you are unsure of all the steps and what is next on your journey as a candidate for ministry or you know someone who might be a great candidate for ministry but you are not quite sure of all of the information they may need, please let the BOM registrar know: Rev. Sara McManus.
Current candidates can get all of the details for everything that needs to be submitted by September 1 by reading through the information below . Any questions, please use the link above to contact the BOM registrar.
Information and Guidelines - Board of Ordained Ministry
The Board of Ordained Ministry is responsible for supporting persons who respond to God's call to professional ministry as an elder, deacon, licensed local pastor, or other certified and licensed ministry options.
For the deacons and elder path:
- Candidacy Guide (updated November 2023)
- Please contact the BOM registrar Sara McManus with any questions you might have.
- Please note that the psychological assessment track has changed to be managed by the Conference Office and not through UMCARES as of Feb.28, 2021. For any questions, please contact Bea Stucke.
- Before coming for provisional membership, you must complete your educational requirements within 4 months after your expected date of commissioning. For example, if you will complete your final class in September 2020, you may submit your paperwork by September 1, 2019 to be potentially commissioned at Annual Conference 2020.
- Application Requirements for Commissioning as Deacon/ Elder (Provisional Membership)
- Application Requirements for Ordination as Deacon/ Elder (Full Membership)
- Candidacy Guide (updated November 2023)
For the local licensed pastor and associate member path:
- Candidacy Guide (updated November 2023)
Please contact the BOM registrar Sara McManus with any questions you might have. - Application Requirements for Associate Membership
- Candidacy Guide (updated November 2023)
Additional requirement resources:
Board of Ordained Ministry Leadership

Provisional Elders
Provisional Member Continuation Process Adopted January 29, 2025
- BOM – Provisional Continuance – DS Feedback:
- BOM – Provisional Continuance – SPRC Feedback:
- BOM – Provisional Continuance - LAY Person:
- BOM – Provisional Continuance – Provisional Group MENTOR Report:
- BOM – Provisional Continuance – BOM Interview:

BOM - Leave Forms
Your BOM Forms:
--> Pastoral Leave:
For a comprehensive overview of the different leave options and financial support programs during that time - click HERE
Long Term Leave Request:
The following applications and form are related to a long-term renewal leave request. Applications are due June 1 for those who wish to take a long-term renewal leave after Dec. 1.
- Long-Term Renewal Overview/Guidelines
- Long-term Renewal Application
- Long-term Renewal Formational Plan
- Pastoral Coverage Grant
Short Term Leave Request:
The Short-term Renewal Leave (Continuing Education and Spiritual Growth Leave BOD 350.2) is for clergy who are members in full connection of the Dakotas Annual Conference (Deacons, Elders, or Associate Members) and Local Pastors. Clergy are eligible to take a renewal leave to seek rest and renewal, educational opportunities, and/or spiritual growth of four weeks every four years. The time away is in addition to vacation time. There is no formal application. The pastor discusses the leave intention with the SPRC and/or Leadership Team. The pastor contacts the district superintendent to share and ensure support for the short-term renewal plan. The local church continues providing compensation and benefits during the pastor’s leave. The application is the same as for Pastoral Coverage Grant request (see link below).
- Pastoral Coverage Grant Request:
- New Parent Leave Request:
--> Continuing Education:
Continuing Education Request:
>> Please also check out our Clergy Development and Clergy Total Well-Being webpages for further resources.<<