Sowing Generously is an in-person, district based, multi-site event for the Dakota-Minnesota Area UMC ministry leaders willing to consider multiplying. It will heppen Saturday, October 8, at 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. central time, 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. mountain time.
This event is designed to spark your thinking and energize your next step to reach new people by featuring three relevant Dakotas-Minnesota multiplication stories.
YOU are invited to this event because your Annual Conference sees the potential in your leadership for multiplication and wants to invest in that potential. You are encouraged to attend and bring several congregational leaders with you.
Welcome, Why & What
Story #1: Multiplication Any Church Can Play - Sunnycrest, Sioux Falls SD
Discussion: Where have you….and might you play on the X spectrum?
Story #2: Taking the Risk – The Grove, Cottage Grove, MN
Discussion: What would you be willing to risk to play the long X game?
Story #3: Leadership Apprenticing – Fusion, Mitchell SD
Discussion: Who and how could you apprentice in the next year?
Wrap up, next steps
Each site is hosted by a District Superintendent with video feed content. Lunch is provided. Contact your District Superintendent to RSVP and to join at a location in your area.