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Day 21: 1 Peter 2:2-10 "Chosen For..."

In a world that pronounces so many of us “not good
enough,” what might it mean to believe that we really are
chosen, precious, and beloved? In new members’ class we
talked about baptism: this holy moment when we are named
by God’s grace with such power it won’t come undone.
Fayette was there—a woman living on the streets,
struggling with mental illness and lupus. She loved the part
about baptism and would ask over and over, “And when I’m
baptized, I am . . . ?” We soon learned to respond, “Beloved,
precious child of God, and beautiful to behold.” “Oh, yes!”
she’d say, and then we could go back to our discussion.
The big day came. Fayette went under, came up
sputtering, and cried, “And now I am . . . ?” And we all
said, “Beloved, precious child of God, and beautiful to
behold.” “Oh, yes!” she shouted as she danced all around
the fellowship hall.
Two months later I got a call. Fayette had been beaten
and raped and was at the county hospital. So I went.
I could see her from a distance, pacing back and forth.
When I got to the door, I heard, “I am beloved . . . ” She
turned, saw me, and said, “I am beloved, precious child
of God, and. . . . ” Catching sight of herself in the mirror—
hair sticking up, blood and tears streaking her face, dress
torn, dirty, and rebuttoned askew, she started again, “I am
beloved, precious child of God, and . . . ” She looked in the
mirror again and declared, “ . . . and God is still working on
me. If you come back tomorrow, I’ll be so beautiful I’ll take
your breath away!”
By Janet Wolf from The Upper Room: 60 Days of Prayer for General Conference 2016


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