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Mark 9:33-37 "To Follow Jesus"

Your mom or dad is driving somewhere and you are arguing with your siblings in the back seat. Finally the parent chimes in, “What are you fussing about?” Guess what? They already know what you’re arguing about because they can hear everything you’ve said! That’s why I grin when Jesus asks, “What were you arguing about?” Duh! Jesus knows!

It’s election time, and you can hardly turn on the TV without a political ad smacking you in the face. You hear from every direction why you should vote for one person and not another, how this one is better than that one, and what makes one person the greatest. Thank God that Jesus redefines our understanding of greatness. We want to be first; Jesus says be last. We think power equals greatness; Jesus says weakness does. We look for strength; Jesus says look for service. So we say, “If that’s the case, how can we expect to win?” And Jesus answers: “By losing.”


By Steve Cothran from


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