Location: Bismarck, ND
Date: October 16 at 8:30
am - Oct 17, 2019
The Start-up Incubator is an onboarding, discovery process to prepare newly appointed church planters or those exploring start up projects (new service or new site). This is an introduction into the skills, behaviors, and tools of a church planting leading to a plan that can be put into action.
- Churches with one service that is dated.
- Churches that are declining because their existing service is no longer reaching new people.
- Churches that are declining because their neighborhood is changing and their existing worship demographic does not match the neighborhood.
- Churches that are growing and have hit the 75% full mark.
- Churches that are growing with two services and would like to start a new site.
- Churches that would like to start something new but are held back by funding concerns.
- Gain an understanding of strategies to lead change
- Develop a grasp of the overall scope and sequence required to launch large
- Identify the people in the ministry context in which you are planting through demographics
- Develop a multiplication mindset with a grasp of leadership selection and development
- Develop an understanding of Design Thinking in choosing a church planting strategy
- Develop methods for community engagement, networking and gathering
- Develop a sustainability plan as relates to funding
- Understand the landmines in new service/new site projects
- Develop a communication strategy for messaging your vision
Cost: $100 per congregation.
Registration Here
Questions: Contact Ben ingebretson via e-mail here.
Sponsor: Dakotas Conference of The United Methodist Church