Moving from the convergent time of the 1950’s and 1960’s through the divergent times in which the church now exists, we must begin to answer the question—“What’s Next”? What will emerge from the New Thing that God is seeking to birth in, through, and with our United Methodist Church.
Costs $10 per person includes lunch
Register with
Lois Backman
Legacy UMC | 701-223-4401
Presenters and leaders: Revs. Jenny Hallenbeck Orr and Brandon Vetter
Come help create this exciting experience! Bringing a team of folks interested in shared worship creation would be optimal. All individuals are welcome. Just imagine a time in our near future when many churches across the Dakotas will be preaching the same series, sharing similar messages, around the same theme. what might God do with that?
We would like to invite you to spend a day praying, studying scripture, discussing and creating a sermon series that will address some of our hopes for our church. The sermon series will be a length that fits your context.
Leave with a sermon series that includes: series title, individual sermon titles, texts, illustrations,main point and preaching ideas. Graphics will be created and shared. It is suggested that participants read Gil Rendle’s book; Quietly Courageous, before the “Emergence” event