Southeast Pierre UMC Mission Fair

Enjoying some of the food and fellowship. Photo by Dave Stucke, Dakotas Conference.
The 2019 Southeast Pierre Mission Fair is scheduled for
Saturday, September 21, 2019, from 9:00am - 1:00pm.
Each fall Southeast Pierre UMC hosts churches for a day of sharing and caring. Registration and morning coffee begin at 9 a.m. with opening worship at 10:00am. Lunch and fellowship begin at 11:30am, the UMCOR relief kits will be dedicated at 12:30pm, and the day’s activities will wind down at approximately by 1 p.m.
All types of homemade, handcrafted items are needed for the silent auction, including garden produce, houseplants, and baked goods. We encourage you to bring variety to the silent auction with your donations of items other than just the traditional quilts and banners. This might include wood- working projects, drawings or paintings, framed photographs or puzzles, yard and garden decor, pallet art, and so much more! Put your unique God-given talents to work and benefit the fight to end world hunger!
Bring your UMCOR mission kits, securely taped and labeled with your church name, the type and number of kits (only one type of kit per box) and accompanied by the completed kit remittance form for the conference office. NOTE: Do not include on your form any items that have already been reported. Do not place cash or checks for toothpaste in your health kits or in the box in which they are packed. Monetary gifts should be turned in separately when you check in your kits.
The day includes a program focused on ministries and missions that serve our communities.
Bring your enthusiasm for mission. Learn from our speakers, enjoy worship, entertainment, good food, and a time to fellowship with old and new friends.

SE Pierre UMC Mission Fair. Photo courtesy of SE Pierre Mission UMC Facebook page.
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