As part of the General Board of Global Ministries, Volunteers in Mission (VIM) serve in a wide variety of ways in all 50 states and more than 100 countries. Information on teams led by people in the North Central Jurisdiction can be found on the North Central Jurisdiction Volunteers in Mission website. That's also where you can get help deciding where, when, and how to serve; where to get training and specific information; read lessons learned from those who have “been there and done that;” complete background checks; locate insurance and health forms, and more.

Linda Kropenske, UMCOR trainer leads a group of Dakotas Conference volunteers in ERT training. Photo by Doreen Gosmire, Dakotas Conference.
Volunteers serve in a variety of ways:
- Construction on homes, churches, schools, and clinics
- Disaster response (emergency response training; certification is required)
- Teaching: Vacation Bible School, English as a Second Language (ESL), and camp counseling
- Health care: Community-based rural projects, dental, water purification
- Sorting and packing supplies for overseas shipment
Volunteers of all ages are welcome. Those ages 18-30 can participate in an annual Mission Discovery trip, building relationships and working alongside those of the same age.
The website lists current and future U.S. and international teams with a brief descriptions, dates, skills desired, approximate costs, and contact information for each opportunity. It also lists training dates and information.