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2020 financial year ends strong thanks to continued generosity

By: Doreen Gosmire, director of communication, Dakotas UMC

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6What I mean is this: the one who sows a small number of seeds will also reap a small crop, and the one who sows a generous amount of seeds will also reap a generous crop.Everyone should give whatever they have decided in their heart. They shouldn’t give with hesitation or because of pressure. God loves a cheerful giver. 2 Corinthians 9: 6-8

Even during this exceptionally challenging year, Dakotas United Methodist congregations’ and individuals’ commitment to connectional giving has remained strong. As of January 31, 2021, $2,875,300 was given towards 2020 apportionments.

“The giving in December was very strong,” says Jeff Pospisil, who serves as the executive director for Finance and Administration in the Dakotas Conference. “It looks like this year we will end up avoiding an operating loss. We are grateful for the generosity of our churches.”

Apportionments are fuel for ministry. They enable us to meet the needs of many people through collaborative ministry.

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Jeff Pospisil, executive director of Finance and Administration. File photo.

Pospisil credits the churches for generous giving, a targeted reduction in spending by the Dakotas Conference, an increase in the return on investments made through the Dakotas United Methodist Foundation, the Payroll Protection Program loan that was received and forgiven, and phenomenal gifts from individuals for apportionments, camping, and conference mission ministries.

Adjusted spending contributed to positive cash flow. In the 2020 budget, approved at the 2019 Annual Conference, $4.3 million was budgeted for expenses. When the COVID-19 pandemic hit, the Conference Council of Finance and Administration—CCFA, anticipated that churches would have reduced income and struggle to pay apportionments. CCFA created an adjusted spending plan of $3.3 million in expenditures for 2020. The 2020 actual expenses fell at $3.1 million.

Another contributing factor to a healthy financial finish in 2020 was strong returns on the Dakotas United Methodist Foundation’s investments. The Dakotas Conference invests specific funds with the Dakotas United Methodist Foundation. The Foundation saw growth in investment revenues for 2020, resulting in $266,000 of income for the 2020 Dakotas Conference budget.

JoAnn Schlimgen Office

JoAnn Schlimgen works in her office. File photo.

JoAnn Schlimgen, who serves as the assistant director of Finance and Administration for the Dakotas, successfully applied for a loan, on behalf of the conference, from the Payroll Protection Program—PPP. The PPP loan supported staff salaries and benefits for the Dakotas Conference and Dakotas United Methodist Camp and Retreat Ministries. The loan also qualified for forgiveness, yielding less of a demand for apportioned income.

“It is miraculous that we are where we are. We are blessed by faithful giving,” says Rev. Bob Ruedebusch, who serves as the Dakotas Conference Cabinet Dean and Southwest District Superintendent. “The Payroll Protection Program loans and our finance staff have been beneficial.”

Unanticipated individual gifts to apportionments and Dakotas Conference mission ministries contributed to a strong ending to 2020 finances.

“More than $14,500 was given by individuals towards apportionments,” says Pospisil. “That is phenomenal, and about $14,000 higher than our previous record for individuals giving to apportionments.”

The 2020 Miracle Offering and Thanksgiving Offering generated more than $47,000 to support the five Dakotas Conference mission ministries: Bakken Oil Rush Ministry—Watford City, Out in Faith—Williston, Solar Oven Partners, Spirit Lake Ministry, and Tree of Life Ministry.

“What glorious news. Ministry is alive and well in the Dakotas,” says Bishop Laurie Haller, who is serving as the interim bishop for the Dakotas Conference. “I am grateful for all everyone is doing and how the Dakotas Conference is answering God’s call to ministry.”


  • View the cumulative report for apportionments here
  • View a report of historical church giving to apportionments here
  • Access a record of monthly church giving for 2020 Apportionments here.  
  • Learn more about apportioned giving here. 


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