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$755,000 of second-mile giving in 2018

By: Doreen Gosmire, director of communications, Dakotas UMC

Second Mile

United Methodists across the Dakotas gave $755,000 to second-mile giving throughout 2018. These gifts make a difference to communities throughout North and South Dakota and across the world. Second-mile giving is an exciting and significant element of the stewardship program within our connectional system at both the general church and conference levels.

The first-mile, or priority, of stewardship continues to be for the local church to fulfill their commitment to fund the general church, conference ministries, and other apportioned funds.

Second-mile stewardship happens through The Advance. Through Advance gifts, persons determine and support their own individual and local congregation's giving priorities. 100% of each gift to projects vetted through The Advance goes to the project chosen. General Advance projects around the world are approved by Global Ministries.

Second-mile giving also happens through Conference Advance Specials, like conference mission ministries – Bakken Oil Rush Ministries, Solar Oven Partners, Spirit Lake Ministry Center, and Tree of Life Ministry. This also includes Thrive. These projects are geographically located within the bounds of the Dakotas Conference. They have been authorized by the conference to solicit support from local churches.

The biggest cluster of giving from individuals and churches in the Dakotas Conference was to Conference Advance Specials, specifically to conference mission ministries. Here is a summary of what has been accomplished this past year with the support of second-mile giving:

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Pastor Jim Konsor, who serves at the Bakken Oil Rush Ministry in Watford City, reads a story of Jesus' birth to children during the community Christmas gathering. Photo courtesy of Bakken Oil Rush Ministry.

Bakken Oil Rush Ministry—Watford City—This ministry has acquired a building for the thrift shop and a Quonset for sorting and storage of items. The ministry assisted 4,000 families through the thrift shop, gathering place, summer event, fall, and Christmas event. Learn more here.

Out in Faith—Williston—This ministry fed 3,251 people, gave away over 120 coats and 150 sweatshirts or hoodies, and gave away more than 200 blankets. Out in Faith provides hats, gloves, socks, and underwear. Out in Faith offers over $500 a month in phone cards and transportation assistance. Learn more here

Solar Oven Partners— The central manufacturing of solar ovens has been moved to Raymond, SD. Reflectors continue to be manufactured in Zeeland, ND. Relationships have been established with the Dominican Evangelical Church. Future ministry planning continues with the Sierra Leone Central Conference and with the ecumenical organization Faith Works to reach the Navajo Nation in northern Arizona. Learn more here.

Spirit Lake Ministry Center— The food pantry meets the needs of more than 300 people per month on and around the Spirit Lake Nation. Shoebox Christmas gifts for 6,346 children in poverty and need were collected and distributed. The Community Children’s Fund provided emergency clothing and temporary housing for 42 children affected by a life-changing event. The ministry hosted a back-to-school carnival for more than 300 children. There were 445 Volunteers in Mission this year. Learn more here

Tree of Life— The soup kitchen served 27,138 breakfast and lunch meals, 2,760 elder boxes, and gave more than 38,420 boxes of food to help supplement meals at home. At Thanksgiving, 400 dinners were served and 195 turkeys were distributed. For Christmas, 600 meals were served. At Easter time 269 hams were distributed. The Thrift Store had 16,260 patrons this year. The construction ministry assisted with 13 home projects and 31 self-help projects. Twelve Volunteers in Mission (VIM) teams from South Dakota and 37 out-of-state VIM teams assisted at the ministry. Learn more here


Enjoying a meal at Spirit Lake Ministry Center. File photo.

The second most significant area of second-mile giving in the Dakotas Conference was to the United Methodist Committee on Relief (UMCOR), an Advance project, through the fall mission events, and the 2018 Thanksgiving offering for disaster relief.

Churches in the Dakotas Conference held mission events, including Mission Café and Bakery in Sioux Falls, SD, the Mission Fair at Pierre, SD, and the Black Hills Area Mission Fest in Rapid City, SD.

The cash receipts from the fall events totalled $36,000. Income from the events provides funding for hunger projects in the Dakotas Conference and throughout the world.

Churches were invited to apply for funds to assist with projects that feed those in need.  A committee considered applications and awarded $8,200 in funds based on the following criteria: community scope of the hot meal program, size of the program, the longevity of the program, and geographical location. Funds were awarded to programs with a focus on serving hot meals with time for fellowship.

The committee awarded six grants ranging from $300-$2,500. The 2018 recipients were: Community Banquet in Pierre, SD, The Gathering in Madison, SD, New Life Center in Fargo, ND, Tuesday Morning Breakfast in Watertown, SD, Dakota Senior Meals in Springfield, SD, and Wonderful Wednesday in Mandan, ND.

UMCOR kits were collected–only school and health kits–at Bismarck, Fargo, Jamestown, and Minot in North Dakota. Kits were collected at Mitchell, Pierre, Rapid City, and Sioux Falls in South Dakota. The value of the UMCOR kits gathered and the contributions to UMCOR for disaster relief through the 2018 Thanksgiving offering as of November 30 is currentliy $175,000.

Generosity is a matter of action, intentions, and heart. One way to describe it is the grateful outpouring of gifts to others, out of our love for God. The Dakotas Conference is demonstrating our love for God and neighbor through second-mile giving.


Dakotas Annual Conference of The United Methodist Church 605.996.6552 slider.jpg 1331 University Ave. Mitchell SD 57301-0460 US 43.69689310 -98.03291320 122 W. Franklin Avenue Ste 400 Minneapolis MN 55404 US 0.00000000 0.00000000 1331 W University Ave Mitchell SD 57301 US 0.00000000 0.00000000 1331 University Ave Mitchell SD 57301 US 0.00000000 0.00000000