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A legacy of caring: Leana Stunes' ministry journey

By: Doreen Gosmire, director of communications, Dakotas UMC

Leana Stunes

Leana Stunes is retiring this month. Photo by jlynn studios.

“The people I have gotten to know feel like family. Pastors call to ask questions and to visit. One retired pastor shared that he and his wife love to sit on the porch in their rocking chairs, at the lake, and watch the sunset go down. How special it was that he took the time to tell me. Conversations like that have a special place in my heart.” These are the words of Leana Stunes, retiring this month after serving 14 years in the Dakotas Conference Benefits Office.

Becoming the Chief Benefits Officer in 2012 was a dream job she aspired to. “I went back to school at 40, attending Dakota Wesleyan University to get my associate degree in business. I worked in the pension and benefits office as a work-study student in the fall of 1999. I enjoyed helping pastors, spouses, and surviving spouses with any insurance issues they encountered. It was a little different method back then as I called the insurance provider directly to help solve the issues,” describes Leana. “I remember thinking, I hope someday I can work in a job like this.”

Stunes began working at the Dakotas Conference Office in 2007. She worked in camping with registrations. In the fall of 2009, she worked as the administrative assistant for the benefits and pensions office. Rev. Rob Moorlach was the Dakotas Conference Benefits Officer.

In December 2009, Moorlach left, and Rev. Perry Wilson became the Chief Benefits Officer (CBO). Wilson worked remotely. So, Leana became the face of the office. After Wilson’s tenure as Chief Benefits Officer, Leana worked with Rev. Penny Eberhart, who worked remotely from Sioux Falls, South Dakota. In 2012, Eberhart retired as Chief Benefits Officer, and Leana became the Chief Benefits Officer.

When asked what you do as Chief Benefits Officer, She responded, “I help pastors and their families and lay staff with health insurance and pensions. I assist pastors who might be applying for disability. I help with death benefits for pastors and their surviving spouses. I also assist retired pastors and their spouses with Medicare supplemental insurance.”

Training is also part of the job. Annually, Stunes conducts workshops for the newest retirees, explaining pension payments and retiree benefits. Every other year, she runs a seminar for pastors looking at retiring in five to ten years, explaining pension payments and benefits. Prior to annual conference each year, she provides training and orientation about the pensions and benefits for the new clergy.  Whenever a new benefit becomes available, Leana creates resources and training opportunities for those impacted by the change.

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Leana speaks at annual conference. Photo by jlynn studios.

She sends a bill to each congregation monthly for the benefits and pensions of the pastor who serves their church. Preparing information for each congregation and pastor related to clergy compensation is something that she does each year. During enrollment time for benefits, Leana will remind pastors and lay employees to make their elections for health insurance and other benefits.

Stunes sets up a wellness screening for pastors and employees enrolled in health insurance at the annual conference. “The wellness checks are an opportunity to greet a lot of people. Doing the wellness check at the annual conference is an efficient way for people to get incentive points from our health insurance provider,” said Leana.

Working with the Board of Pensions (BOP), comprised of five laywomen, five laymen, five clergy—active and retired, is something Leana enjoys. The conference treasurer,  a district superintendent,  a representative from the Board of Ordained Ministry, a member of the Conference Council of Finance and Administration, and Leana as CBO serve as ex officio members, without a vote, on the board. A representative from Wespath, the denomination’s administrator for benefits and investments of pension funds, also serves as an ex officio board member. People can serve on the board for 12 years. The Board of Pensions meets three times a year—fall, spring, and summer. The board sets the budget, distributes funds, and policy.  Leana prepares the agenda, materials, sets the location and logistics for each meeting. 

“All of the board members have been wonderful to work with. They always are so encouraging and supportive,” shares Leana.

Working with the retiree luncheon at the annual conference is something that Leana looks forward to each year. It is a time to connect and visit.

Leana shares, “I have always loved doing the retiree luncheon. I was used to someone else doing all of the talking. In the first year after I became CBO, I assumed that Elaine Roberts, the BOP chair, would speak. I asked Elaine, ‘Are you going to get up and talk to the retirees?’ She said, ‘You know them better. You do it.’ Holy cow, I was a nervous wreck! I got through it. Jo Harris approached me afterward and said I did a wonderful job.”

Stunes has seen changes throughout her years of service, including offering more options for investing pension dollars, health insurance, and various other benefits, including dental and vision insurance.

“When I started, there was only one health insurance plan. Then, it changed from one plan to two plans. Now there are six plans,” said Leana. “It is nice because the individual can decide what kind of plan they want. It is nice to have options. People also have the option to select a health savings plan and start building a health savings account.”

One of the challenges she faces is ensuring that people have the information they need to select the best option for them.

“It is a scary thing to think about changing a plan. Even I have been a little nervous about making those changes. But it all works out. I think clergy and lay staff like choice,” Leana said.

She has seen a lot of transition in staffing and the building. She worked with four different Chief Benefit Officers before accepting the position. Leana has worked with three conference treasurers and three chairs for the Board of Pensions.


Leana smiles for a photo with her colleague JoAnn Schlimgen, right. Photo by Dave Stucke.

The Dakotas Conference Office building has been reconfigured several times. When Leana started working at the Dakotas Conference, the main floor had a small, short hallway. Journals and church  plates were in a display case on one side with offices behind the display case. Today, there are open spaces with a couple of office suites. The downstairs was redesigned from a space for archives and resources to conference rooms and offices.

Leana is noted for her unique and quirky traveling escapades. For example, she has found herself moving from one room to another when she checks into a hotel because the faucet to the bathtub in her room fell off. Another time, she found mold in the refrigerator of her hotel room.  One time, there was a gas smell creeping into a room.

“I have been able to travel to meetings throughout the country working with Wespath. It has been enlightening,” said Leana. “Some people say, ‘You should write a book.’ It has been quite the experience.”

In retirement, Leana looks forward to spending time with her family. She has three sons, four granddaughters, a great-granddaughter, and a great-grandson. She hopes to travel with her husband, Roger, who is retired. She will continue to serve the Dakotas Conference as a member of the Board of Pensions.

“I have been a lifelong United Methodist. My dad was an active lay leader. I have learned so much about how the United Methodist Church works. I will always remember the people and how they showed care, love, and support for me,” said Leana.


Dakotas Annual Conference of The United Methodist Church 605.996.6552 1331 University Ave. Mitchell SD 57301-0460 US 43.69689310 -98.03291320 122 W. Franklin Avenue Ste 400 Minneapolis MN 55404 US 0.00000000 0.00000000 1331 W University Ave Mitchell SD 57301 US 0.00000000 0.00000000 1331 University Ave Mitchell SD 57301 US 0.00000000 0.00000000