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AC 2024 Legislative summary

By: Doreen Gosmire, director of communications, Dakotas UMC

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All legislation was approved by the 31st Session of the Dakotas Annual Conference. Photo by jlynn studios.

Voting members of the 31st Session of the Dakotas Annual Conference affirmed all the legislation before them including the 2025 Budget Proposal, an addition to the Clergy Leave Policy and a new Clergy Move Policy. View the legislation for 2024 Annual Conference.

2025 Budget: The body approved an apportioned budget of just over $3 million. This is a decrease of $52,000 from the 2024 spending plan. There is a budget shortfall estimate for 2025 of approximately $700,000. The local church apportionment percentage to be remitted to the Annual Conference will be reduced from 13.5% of church operating income in 2024 to 13.0% of church operating income in 2025.

The 2025 budget includes:

  • A decrease of over $40,000 for developing missional leaders. This decrease is primarily due to a reduction in the Board of Ordained Ministry budget as well as a reduction in apportionment allocations to camp operations, as camps continue toward self-sufficiency.  
  • The reduction of over $44,000 for Equipping Missional Congregations is primarily attributed to reducing the budget for new churches by $31,000 and large church revitalization by $12,000. Thrive funds will be utilized to cover most of the costs related to these two areas.
  • There is a decrease in the Extending Missional Impact budget of over $80,000. The reduction is partially attributed to a decrease in General Church apportionment of the base rate percentage from 3.29% to 2.6% of local church expenditures. This new base rate was recently passed at General Conference. Spirit Lake Ministries and Solar Oven Partners have strong reserve balances. Both are nearly self-sustaining thanks to individual and church donations.
  • Cabinet expenses will increase in 2025 as the conference moves from a part-time salary for the Southeast District Superintendent to a full-time salary. Previously the salary was split between the District Superintendency and the Director of Ministries’ positions.
  • The support services area of the budget will increase by $80,000 to upgrade our website and database. 

Legislative item 1.2:
The Clergy Leave Policy was affirmed. Personal Wellness Leave was added to the Clergy Leave Policy. Sometimes there are unexpected circumstances that necessitate a short time of leave for a pastor’s health and well-being. This leave category, that is approved by the district superintendent, allows for a more immediate response to address those needs.

Legislative item 1.3: The Clergy Move Policy was approved after amendment. The new policy outlines how expenses for moving clergy and their families shall be administered.

Most matters that came before the 31st session were approved by a voice vote. Only one matter, an amendment to Item 1.3, required a visual count by having people stand.

“We have done holy work together,” Bishop Lanette Plambeck told the body as the business of the 2024 Annual Conference concluded.


Dakotas Annual Conference of The United Methodist Church 605.996.6552 slider.jpg 1331 University Ave. Mitchell SD 57301-0460 US 43.69689310 -98.03291320 122 W. Franklin Avenue Ste 400 Minneapolis MN 55404 US 0.00000000 0.00000000 1331 W University Ave Mitchell SD 57301 US 0.00000000 0.00000000 1331 University Ave Mitchell SD 57301 US 0.00000000 0.00000000