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Acts 13:1-5, 13-15, 38-43 Sent out on the first missionary journey

Moved by the Holy Spirit, the Antioch church sent Paul and Barnabas to preach the good news in Asia Minor. God guided and directed them. Despite facing some bitter opposition, they planted new Christian churches throughout the Roman province of Galatia.

  • Paul told the gathered Jews and Gentiles (Acts 13:16) that he was preaching new life and forgiveness “from all those sins from which you couldn’t be put in right relationship with God through Moses’ Law.” Not all early Christians agreed. Some said people still needed to keep Moses’ Law in addition to having faith in Christ. Have you ever known (or been) a person who saw salvation as based on “faith plus something”? What made Paul’s message especially vital as the faith spread outside the culture where it began?
  • Early Christians had “personnel” issues as well as different theological ideas, just like us. When Paul and Barnabas left Antioch, they took John with them as a helper (we learn in Acts 15:37 that his full name was John Mark). But he “deserted” them early in the journey (verse 13). Have you ever “bitten off more than you can chew,” and had to back away from some task or responsibility? What does it take to renew confidence and remain useful after that happens?


Dakotas Annual Conference of The United Methodist Church 605.996.6552 1331 University Ave. Mitchell SD 57301-0460 US 43.69689310 -98.03291320 122 W. Franklin Avenue Ste 400 Minneapolis MN 55404 US 0.00000000 0.00000000 1331 W University Ave Mitchell SD 57301 US 0.00000000 0.00000000 1331 University Ave Mitchell SD 57301 US 0.00000000 0.00000000