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Around the Conference May 22

Still time to register for AC 2017Register now at this link.  View the detailed schedule here.  You will find lots of information about the how to contact speakers, moderators, photos, mapsm handouts and much more.  Click here for a video on how to utlize SCHED. You will be able to view this shedule on your phonetabletlaptop and also print it if you wish.

To get ready for the business sessions you will need access to the 2017 Conference Workbook.  Click here to view the Conference workbook on a mobile device here.  You can also download (click here) the Conference Workbook or print the doument as you needed. 

 Decide how and what you will contribute to the 2017 Kids Count Miracle Offerring. All churches recently received a packet with materials (click to download: posterpledge cardoffering envelopebulletin insertletter from the Bishop) to help promote the Kids Count Miracle Offering to their congregations. If need any additional copies or otherresources please contact the Conference office. Please share this giving opportunity!

Become familar with the venues for this year's annual conference watch the video, Welcome to Bismarck! Read over the frequently asked questions here.  You will find questions people have been asking about this year's conference "Encounter the Spirit: Live expectantly!"

Annual conference is not just for clergy and lay members, it is for anyone who would like to attend as a guest.  Read six things that you do not want here.

LaGonave Alive needs you to help with the roof for their new education center. “Let's RAISE THE ROOF of the Rob Marchand Education Center. Pick a number between 1 and 150 and that's your donation! Email (If your number is taken we'll give you the next lower number). If we fill out the chart - we Raise the Roof!

TO DONATE YOUR NUMBER: (click on donate) or mail check to LaGonave Alive, 1035 N Spencer Ln, Tea SD 57064 / note Raise the Roof or RMEC.

How about some added fun at Annual Conference? Are you ready for some fun challenges?

Dr. Shawn Culey has been working with a team of four people (two of your co-clergy) on Dakota Wholeness Ministry. This ministry will concentrate on a culture of health for body, mind and spirit health of clergy and congregations.

Challenges are set up for all clergy and lay members to participate in on Thursday, June 8 and Friday, June 9 at Annual Conference in Bismarck.

The first challenge will be:

“Read Your Bible” challenge for your spirit. The rules are that you spend 15 minutes at some point on Thursday, June 8 and again on Friday, June 9 reading the Bible.  Each day when you have completed that task you will take one of your Bible stickers that will be found in your name tag and attach it to the outside of your name tag. When you have completed this task you can either connect with Shawn Culey (at or one of the other team members at the Dakota Wholeness booth, in the “Main Street Corner” section, to log your completion of the task.

The second challenge will be:

“Kind Comments” challenge for your mind. The rules are that if you give a kind comment to someone during Thursday or Friday you will receive a round smiley sticker (Thursday) and star sticker (Friday) from that person to add to your name tag.  If someone gives you a kind comment you will give them a round smiley sticker (Thursday) and star sticker (Friday) to put on their name tag. Stickers will be found in your name tag.  When you have received 5 stickers you can either connect with Shawn Culey (at or one of the other team members at the Dakota Wholeness booth, in the “Main Street Corner” section, to log your completion of the task.

The third challenge will be:

“Ultimate Step Crew” challenge for your body.  All full-time clergy and full-time lay employees that are enrolled in Virgin Pulse Walking Program, (If you enrolled years ago but haven’t participated in any walking for years you are still enrolled.  You may need to purchase a new walking device), will be receiving a separate e-mail asking you to join the “Ultimate Step Crew Challenge". This challenge will take place also for Thursday and Friday. You will receive 100 points for enrolling in the challenge. You will need to enroll in the challenge prior to Thursday June 8th in order to receive points. The challenge is set up to have teams of 5 people. You can set up your own team and team name or join a team already set up.  You will receive more details in an e-mail. Even if you are unable to attend Annual Conference, you can still participate in the Walking Challenge as long as you join the challenge prior to the start.

Full-time clergy and lay employees could earn up to 550 points total for participating in all three challenges. Points will be awarded to you via a voucher that you will receive from Leana Stunes after Annual Conference.

There will be a wild card division for clergy and lay members not enrolled in Virgin Pulse. Wild card division members can signup in the registration area at the Bismarck Event Center. Please organize or join a team of five people.  A limited supply of pedometers will be available if you need one. Each team member will be asked to self-report the steps they take on Thursday, June 8 and Friday, June 9. Prizes will be awared for the top team and individual finishers. Teams and individuals will need to connect with Shawn Culey, to complete the challenge and record your steps.

There will be a Walk at the Park on Thursday evening, June 8 of Annual Conference. All are encouraged to participate. Signup will be in the registration area at the Bismarck Event Center or you can sign up in advance through the link that will be sent out next week in the Pastor’s @ Dakotas.

We encourage everyone to participate and have fun during Annual Conference!

Feel free to contact Shawn Culey, or Leana Stunes, if you have any questions —(click on the name to send an email).

Sympathy is extended top the family of Rev. Gordon L. Richards, 90 of Arden Hills, Minnesota, passed away on May 15, 2017.  Reverend Richard was retired elder of the Minnesota Conference.

Rev. Richards served several churches in North Dakota and South Dakota before serving Minnesota churches in Lake Crystal, Madelia, Montevideo, Litchfield, and St. Paul (Cleveland Avenue UMC and Olivet UMC). He retired in 1992. Click here for an obituary.

New this fall—online auction for hunger

Each fall, churches across North and South Dakota contribute to the connectional ministry of the United Methodist church by assembling and donating UMCOR kits.  Additionally, churches, ministry teams and districts around the conference hold events to promote mission ministries in their areas and raise money for ministries that address food insecurity throughout the Dakotas and around the world. 

In the past 10 years, the Hunger Ministries Task Force has distributed $853,424 raised through these events.  A primary component of these fund-raising efforts has been the quilt auction.  Last year, in an effort to reach a wider audience for bidding, the quilt auction moved online.  We are grateful for Girard Auction for donating their online auction services. 

This year, in an effort to expand our capacity to impact food insecurity in the Dakotas and around the world, we are inviting people to donate other items, in addition to quilts, to include in our Online Auction.  Examples of suggested items include: handmade wooden or glass items, time-share stays, progressive dinners, concert/event tickets, cleaning packages, auto detail package or fitness packages, etc. We also invite people to fill out an information form and include a minimum bid with their item. 

If you have something that you would like to donate please contact JoAnn Schlimgen by e-mail or phone 605-990- 7787 for more information.  If you have your items ready you may bring them to Annual Conference in Bismarck, with a completed form for display. Items that are brought to Annual Conference will be delivred and stored in Mitchell until the online auction.  We also invite you to spread the word and invite people to participate in the online auction on October 1-8, 2017.


Dakotas Annual Conference of The United Methodist Church 605.996.6552 Image 1 website.jpg 1331 University Ave. Mitchell SD 57301-0460 US 43.69689310 -98.03291320 122 W. Franklin Avenue Ste 400 Minneapolis MN 55404 US 0.00000000 0.00000000 1331 W University Ave Mitchell SD 57301 US 0.00000000 0.00000000 1331 University Ave Mitchell SD 57301 US 0.00000000 0.00000000