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Bakken Oil Rush ministry reaches many in 2013

Oil is pumping in North Dakota. People are coming to North Dakota from all over the world and living everywhere, anywhere. 

“Jobs, jobs, jobs, people are saying there are all kinds of job.  North Dakotas is advertising that there is a lot of job but, there is no housing, place to live, said Jim Konsor, lay missionary in Watford City for the Bakken Oil Rush.

2013 Miracle offering provides a start

In 2013, Bishop Bruce R. Ough called for the Dakotas Conference to reach out to what is being called the greatest mission field in North America.  The response was great, over $290,000 was collected to launch the Bakken Oil Rush Ministry. 

Mobile thrift store helps hundreds

Jim and Kathie Kosnor, lay missionaries moved to Watford City and with the help of many volunteers operate a Mobile Free Thrift Store.   “The 29 foot remade, trailer is full of clothing items and household goods.  Ready to help thousands in need throughout Watford City,” explained Kathie Konsor. 

The thrift store is open weekly to serve the needs of many. “Since the opening of the Mobile Thrift Store in November 2013, the Konsors have distributed 1,700 clothing and household items valued at over $17,000, ” stated Rev. Keith Nelson, district superintendent, Sakakawea District of the Dakotas Conference.  So far over 200 families have been served. 

Connecting in Watford City

The Bakken Oil Rush Ministry in Watford City is more than the Thrift Store…it is about connecting.  Jim Konsor described one fellowship event.  “We recently had a spaghetti feed.  We served over 125 folks.  People work long hours, live in campers, and just need to get out and connect with other people.  We did all the work and just invited people to come.  People enjoyed the chance to get out and meet others.  It was a lot of fun.”

Long hours, cold weather, cramped housing, people long for connection.  “People live in cramped, dark places.  They go to work and go home to their camper that has dark covering on it for warmth.  There are a lot of lonely people here,” said Jim Konsor.

Out in Faith ministry begins in Williston

Katie Peterson, deaconess in partnership with the General Board of Discipleship and Faith United Methodist Church in Williston has launched Out in Faith.  The new ministry offers a Saturday evening gathering called G.I.F.T. 

“On Saturday evening at 6:05 we serve a light meal, followed by worship.  We call it G.I.F.T. (God in Faith-Together).  After the worship anyone who needs something coat, socks, blankets I visit with them and try to give them these things.  We have had about 40-50 attend each week,” explained Katie Peterson, church and community worker.

How has the money been put to use?

Here is a breakdown on how the money has been spent to launch the Bakken Oil Rush Ministry. $20,000 has been spent on travel and office expenses.  These expenses include: money to keep the pickup the pulls the mobile thrift store, travel for church planting consultations, and marketing  materials (banners, brochures, copying)

 $27,000 was dedicated to the purchase and remodeling of the trailer for the mobile thrift store and a pickup to pull it.  Both the trailer and pickup were purchased used. 

Housing expenses for the Konsors in Watford City have been $25,300. This includes utilities and a down payment for the one bedroom, third floor apartment in Watford City.   

$82,400 for salaries, and benefits of our faithful missionaries in the Bakken. Salaries also includes some consultation feed for church planting Path 1 (General Board of Discipleship) consultants. 

Just under $143,000 remains to continue to fund the things have been started and to grow the ministry.

More needs to be done

“I am hoping we can go deeper and reach a whole lot more people with the thrift store,”  said Kathie Konsor.  “When you see the smile on someone face when they get a much needed pair of jeans, it is so worth it.”

“We need to help the churches in the region live out the vision.  God has sent the mission field to us.  We have got to think creatively to do new things,” said Nelson.

Because of the need Bishop Ough once again is calling for a Miracle Offering with two focuses.

Kenmare and Donnybrook United Methodist churches have taken a leap of faith to form a vital merger to bring forth a new vision. One part of the Miracle Offering will be cash for the Kenmare/ Donnybrook merger.

“The $100,00 cash offering will assist with the start-up costs of the new regional church in Kenmare, including land purchase, staff support and building design,” said Bishop Ough.

“Hopefully it is a brand new place with a whole new experience.  A place where people will come and  feel the love of God.  It needs to be totally and be a great place for everyone to come together, ” said Brett Rockman, 21 year old member of the Donnybrook / Kenmare planning team.

The  second part of the Miracle offering will be collecting items for the Mobile Thrift store.  The top five items they need to re-supply the Mobile Thrift Store are:

  • Coats, including winter coats of all sizes
  • Hooded sweatshirts
  • Blankets (no comforters)
  • Bath towels
  • Heavy or thermal socks

Learn more about the Miracle Offering and how you can help.


Bakken Oil Rush Ministry is Launched from Dakotas UMC on Vimeo.


Dakotas Annual Conference of The United Methodist Church 605.996.6552 slider.jpg 1331 University Ave. Mitchell SD 57301-0460 US 43.69689310 -98.03291320 122 W. Franklin Avenue Ste 400 Minneapolis MN 55404 US 0.00000000 0.00000000 1331 W University Ave Mitchell SD 57301 US 0.00000000 0.00000000 1331 University Ave Mitchell SD 57301 US 0.00000000 0.00000000