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Bakken Oil Rush reaches out in Watford City and to victims of Harvey

“Watford City continues to see phenomenal growth, even with oil at $21.00 @ barrel. The school opened their doors for the year and saw record numbers, over 1,500 students. These are young families coming to try to make a living.  We are reaching out in everyway we can to help them make it,” Jim Konsor, Bakken Oil Rush Ministry, Watford City, North Dakota.

Photo: Moms and children march in the Homecoming parade in Watford City, ND. Photo by Doreen Gosmire, Dakotas UMC.

McKenzie County North Dakota, home of Watford City and more oil rigs drilling than any other county, produces 6.7 million barrels of oil each month. “The people that are here are coming to stay. They are bringing their families. Many of the guys working in the oil industry were living here on their own and now they want to call Watford City their home,” said Jim Konsor. “Meanwhile, oil companies and employers have reduced hours to deal with the downturn in oil prices. The need continues to be huge for basic items to live and take care of your family.”

The Bakken Oil Rush Ministry provides clothing and small household items at a nominal fee, as well as, spiritual and emotional support. In the last few weeks, Jim and Kathie Konsor, co-directors of the Bakken Oil Rush Ministry, have reached out to hundreds of families through, Christmas in July, Summer’s Last Blast sale and Vacation Bible School. Photo: Volunteers from Sissseton, South Dakota sort summer clothing items for the Summer's Last Blast sale. Photo courtesy of Bakken Oil Rush Ministry.

Christmas in July, a fundraising event and toy collection event for the Bakken Oil Rush Ministry community Christmas party was held at Tourist Park in Watford City.  Various community organizations and businesses provided a picnic supper, games and small gifts for the children.  The Konsors provided music to put people in the Christmas spirit. More than 200 attended and lots of gifts were collected for the Christmas event in December.

Photo: Stacy Arnegard, Kathy Tretter and Laura Sandford who organized the Christmas in July event hold some of the gifts that were donated for the Christmas event in December. Photo by Jim Konsor.

In early August, a Vacation Bible School was conducted, with an anti-bullying message.  A volunteer team of 24 youth and adults, from Sisseton, South Dakota, spent the week in Watford City preparing for VBS as well as the Summer’s Last Blast Sale. The clothing sale was intended to help reduce the inventory of summer clothing items. All summer clothing items were set up for display and shoppers could purchase a bag of items at $5 per bag.  In addition, a free lunch was prepared and served.

Konsors said VBS and the Last Blast of Summer sale were a huge success. “More than 30 kids were involved in VBS, 185 meals of hot dogs, chips and dessert served, and 285 bags of clothing left the building! We are grateful for the volunteers who spent the week helping us prepare and serve. What a terrific week!”

Photo: Volunteers lead a craft activitiy during VBS in Watford City. Photo courtesy of Bakken Oil Rush.

The success of the two-day sale was continued until the end of the August. This allowed for an additional families to get summer clothing items at significantly reduced rates. The last day of August was set aside as a “Blessing Day.” On “Blessing Day", no items were for sale, they were given away.

The remaining summer clothing items were then packed in a semi-trailer. These items will be driven to Houston, Texas to a donation center for people affected by tropical storm Harvey.

Photo: Summer clothing items and other supplies are loaded to be travel to Houston to reach out to those in need after tropical storm Harvey. Photo by Jim Konsor.

The Bakken Oil Rush Ministry in Watford City is now busy preparing for winter and the future. “We are open to receive winter clothing, household items, small appliances, bedding and monetary donations,” said the Konsors.

Ways you can help

Cash donations are always needed to help in purchasing items that are needed that are not in the current inventory.  Cash donations are also needed to help the Konsors secure warehouse property for donations. To donate to the Bakken Oil Rush Ministry:Dakotas Conference UMC:  Send checks to Account Number 746, Bakken Oil Rush Ministry Dakotas Conference UMC, PO Box 460, Mitchell, SD 57301. Or, donate directly at this link:

New or gentle used items that are continually needed include bath towels, men’s winter and work coats sizes XL and up.  There is always a need for hoodies—zipped or pull over sweatshirts for men, women and children—men’s size XL and up are always the most in demand. 

Contact Jim and Kathie Konsor by e-mail or phone 605-268-0058.


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