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Bath UMC celebrates 135th anniversary

BATH, So.Dak.—Bath United Methodist Church has remained a strong faith community for over 135 years. The church celebrated the anniversary with a worship service followed by a dinner, program and entertainment on Sunday, July 17. Kelda J.L. Pharris of the Aberdeen American News has the story.

Photo: Bath UMC in South Dakota celebrated their 135th anniversary on Sunday, July 17. Photo by Bruce Blumer.

BATH — It might be hard to tell Sunday whether a small community will be honoring its beloved church or the church will be honoring the town that's nurtured it for so long.

Even though the physical structure of the Bath United Methodist Church has changed over time, the faith community has remained strong for 135 years. That steadfastness will be celebrated at a 10:30 a.m. worship service followed by dinner, a program and entertainment. It all happens at the church near the intersection of Second Avenue and Fourth Street.

The village of Bath was platted in 1880, and the first church service was in June 1881 under a hotel tent, Pat Bruckner said. Bruckner grew up in the church. On the Fritz side of her family, she said there have been five generations who've been members.

"The railroad came through in 1881, and the railroad started everything," Ronald Cornell, the church's board president said Tuesday afternoon at the church. "We’re one of the oldest congregations in the state."

In 1882, the Rev. O.A. Phillips organized the Methodist Episcopal Church Society of Bath, according to church documents.

A building for the church was built in 1885-86 with its dedication July 4, 1886. The church served the community until tragedy struck in 1944.

"The story was — or is it folklore? — the train went through Bath right when the tornado was hitting and they saw the church blow by,” Joyce Fluke, secretary of the church board, said.

A church building from Putney was moved to the grounds in 1945 and has stood since. Stained-glass windows in memory of charter members were installed just prior to the dedication ceremony in 1985.

There have been some upgrades, including new interior paneling early on, installation of fans a few years ago and new exterior siding after a hail storm a year ago. Currently, the basement and fellowship room are being painted.

"A family just took it upon themselves to go and do it, I guess," Fluke said of the painting. "When there is a need, it seems to get met."

That prompted the group at the church to break into several conversations about the community members who mow grass, plow snow, tend flowers and clean. Whether a community member is a Methodist or member of the church doesn't seem to affect whether he or she supports it or attends services.

"It didn’t make any difference what religion. My mother was Catholic, my dad was Lutheran, and we went to the Methodist church," Fluke said.

She grew up in the church, and said she was about 9 when the Putney church was moved to Bath.

During the program Sunday, church elders will be honored.

One couple with a July 20 anniversary sticks out in Fluke's mind.

"Lyle and Milly Fritz were married in the church. They’ll have been married 67 years," Fluke said. "To be married in this little church and have them still with us after 67 years is just neat."

"(Lyle) is the oldest member, by six months," Cornell said with a laugh.

Cornell is second-oldest, at 88. He's been with the church since 1989. Bruckner and Fluke joke that he was Lutheran, then converted by joining the church.

During holidays and an annual soup and pie supper, the small church fills up. Members who have moved away send donations for the celebration. There are now 34 active members in the church, and 22 showed up at the last service.

"The big churches are jealous of us because that’s a pretty good percentage," Bruckner said.

Gratefully reprinted with permission from the Aberdeen American News.



Dakotas Annual Conference of The United Methodist Church 605.996.6552 1331 University Ave. Mitchell SD 57301-0460 US 43.69689310 -98.03291320 122 W. Franklin Avenue Ste 400 Minneapolis MN 55404 US 0.00000000 0.00000000 1331 W University Ave Mitchell SD 57301 US 0.00000000 0.00000000 1331 University Ave Mitchell SD 57301 US 0.00000000 0.00000000