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Bishop Haller offers a welcome and prayer for 2021 Dakotas Annual Conference

By: Bishop Laurie Haller, interim bishop


Welcome to the 2021 Dakotas Annual Conference

Bishop Laurie Haller, interim bishop for the Dakotas Conference, welcomes all to the 28th session of the Dakotas Annual Conference. Our theme for Annual Conference 2021 is “Jesus. Waymaker.” Time and time again Jesus has shown up and made a way when there was no possible way in human reasoning or power. Jesus calms the storm with a simple command of His voice. “Even the wind and waves obey Him!” (Mark 4: 37-41) 

Jesus fed thousands who were hungry from only five loaves of bread and two fish. He ensured everyone man, woman and child would not leave hungry. There was even an abundance left over. (Luke 9: 13-17)

He brought miracle healing everywhere He went; healing lepers completely and wholly (Luke 17: 11-19) and restored a woman with chronic bleeding for 12 years who had been considered an outcast in her community (Luke 8: 43-48) and gave sight to a man born blind (John 9: 1-6), and countless other miracle healings in His ministry on earth.

These are not just stories from an old book from long ago. These are recordings of actual happenings and encounters with Jesus Christ, our Lord, so that we may learn of and believe.

So come and explore with me at our time together in June Jesus our Way Maker and Miracle Worker.

A Prayer for the 2021 Dakotas Annual Conference

O Creator and Redeemer God, in a few days we will gather in your presence and as your faithful disciples at the 2021 Dakotas Annual Conference. In 1744, your servants John and Charles Wesley first met with a few clergy to consider how they should proceed to save their own souls and those who heard them. They quickly agreed to invite the lay preachers who were in the house to join them.

277 years later, ever-renewing God, you are still bringing us together as United Methodists every year — all connected in Christ and watching over one another in love — to worship, fellowship, learn, conference together, and leave inspired to share our love and hope in our communities, state, and world. As we prepare our hearts and minds to be transformed by this annual conference, we pray:

For all those behind the scenes who enable our hybrid annual conference to run smoothly.

For our preachers, presenters, musicians, worship leaders, who bring us God’s Word and invite us to respond fruitfully.

For wisdom in our collective discernment and decision-making.

For all of our local churches as well as district and conference ministries.

For a fresh outpouring of your Holy Spirit, that it will renew our annual conference and that we will be inspired to witness to your unending grace and hope by our words and actions.

“This is how everyone will know that you are my disciples, when you love each other.” (John 13:35 CEB)

2021 Dakotas Annual Conference resources: 
Watch worship live 
Access the 2021 Conference Workbook
View the schedule
Access the 2021 Conference Workbook
Watch Pre-Conference Gathering videos
Read the Frequently Asked Questions


Dakotas Annual Conference of The United Methodist Church 605.996.6552 Parachute 2a.jpg 1331 University Ave. Mitchell SD 57301-0460 US 43.69689310 -98.03291320 122 W. Franklin Avenue Ste 400 Minneapolis MN 55404 US 0.00000000 0.00000000 1331 W University Ave Mitchell SD 57301 US 0.00000000 0.00000000 1331 University Ave Mitchell SD 57301 US 0.00000000 0.00000000