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Bishop Ough announces appointments to Dakotas Conference Cabinet

Bishop Bruce R. Ough, resident bishop, officially makes all appointments for the Dakotas Conference.   Most recently, the Bishop has announced new appointments to the Dakotas Conference Cabinet.  Click here to view all appointment announcements.

"Over the past three months, I have been in consultation with the various District Committees on Superintendency and the Cabinet regarding the appointment of district superintendents.  Following these consultations and much prayer, I am pleased to announce these appointments to the Dakotas Conference Cabinet," Bishop Bruce R. Ough, Dakotas-Minnesota Area.

  • Rev. Roger Spahr will become the new superintendent of the Glacial Lakes District following Rev. Roy Caudill who is retiring.  Roger will also continue to serve on a very limited basis as the Vision Pastor for Cornerstone UMC in Watertown until such time as a full-time successor is appointed.

  • Rev. Randy Cross, currently the Prairie Hills District Superintendent, will become the new superintendent of the Eastern Sunrise District following the co-superintendency of Rev. Roger Spahr and Rev. Marilyn Spurrell.  Marilyn will continue as the lead pastor at Fargo First UMC.

  • Rev. Kevin Kloster, currently the pastor of Fargo Faith UMC, will become the new Prairie Hills District Superintendent following Rev. Randy Cross.

In a letter to the clergy of the Dakotas Conference Bishop Ough wrote the following message.

Roger has been a great blessing to the Cabinet team and the Eastern Sunrise District as the co-superintendent the past two years.  His highly relational leadership style, combined with an unwavering focus on assisting congregations develop effective discipleship systems and new venues for ministry is an invaluable asset to the Cabinet and the district.  I look forward to the intentional focus, coaching and vision he will bring to the Glacial Lakes District. I am grateful to both Marilyn and Roger for their personal sacrifice and support of a co-superindency model.  We have learned much and witnessed considerable kingdom fruit.

Marilyn has served the Eastern Sunrise District with distinction, providing exceptional spiritual and temporal leadership.  Her passion for the transformative power of the gospel, collaborative leadership style and heart for local church vitality will be missed at the Cabinet table and across the Eastern Sunrise District.  I am pleased that these same leadership gifts will continue to bear kingdom fruit at Fargo First. 

Randy has served the Dakotas Conference in a variety of program, administrative and leadership development roles.  During the last three years he has effectively served the congregations of the Prairie Hills District, assisting many in strengthening their administrative, financial and leadership systems to become stronger, missional congregations.  He will bring these same gifts and extensive experience to the Eastern Sunrise District.

Kevin has a vibrant spirituality, bold leadership style and passionate heart for the least, lost and excluded.  He is visionary, has demonstrated the ability to develop lay leadership and to form disciples of Jesus for the transformation of the world.  I look forward to the energy and creativity he will bring to the cabinet table and the Prairie Hills District.

Appointment transitions can be difficult, even under the best of circumstances.  Most of you receiving this message know this firsthand. I invite you to join me in praying for Roy and Luzann to have a blessed retirement and season of rest.  Pray also for Marilyn as she continues to lead Fargo First into a new life cycle.  Pray for Roger and Joan as they continue to balance multiple leadership responsibilities.  Pray for Randy and Cherie, Kevin and Tracy as they prepare to relocate.  May God’s abundant, extravagant grace and love strengthen and uphold them and each of you in your respective ministries.

In Christ's service,

Bruce R. Ough


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