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Boys Scouts of America information for UMC's

Boy Scouts

October 12, Important BSA Bankruptcy Update – Receipt of Disclosure Statement Package: DO NOT TAKE ACTION AT THIS TIME: Some churches will be receiving a packet from the Boy Scouts of America with their plan to reorganize through the bankruptcy process. DO NOT TAKE ANY ACTION AT THIS TIME. A recommendation for how to vote on the plan will be coming out soon. Read update

October 7, NEW Statement regarding rechartering BSA troops from Bishop Haller, Dakotas Conference Cabinet and Exec. Director of Finance & Administration: United Methodist leadership and the BSA have agreed to the following joint statement regarding the status of units chartered by United Methodist churches. The Boy Scouts of America and United Methodist leadership continue to work together to resolve matters related to BSA’s financial restructuring and have agreed, in the best interest of the young people who participate in Scouting, to strongly recommend to United Methodist chartering organizations and Boy Scout Councils to extend existing charter agreements and facility use agreements in force at this time through March 31, 2022. There will be no additional fee required from those chartering organizations through March 31, 2022.  This will pause new chartering; re-chartering and the use of facility use agreements with United Methodist churches. This automatic extension will allow Boy Scouts of America, United Methodist leadership, and other parties in the bankruptcy case time to resolve important issues affecting chartered organizations, including a favorable release for chartered organizations for any Scout abuse claims. Read entire letter

September 7, Letter from Bishop Haller and Jeff Pospisil:  We are recommending that local churches change their relationship with their scouting units. Please noteIf your church currently charters a scout unit or if it has any relationship with a Boy Scout Troop, please notify your district superintendent of that fact immediately so that the conference can assist your church as needed.  If your local church currently charters a scout unit, we recommend that you NOT renew that chartering agreement when it is up for renewal or re-chartering this fall. Instead, we recommend one of two options, the choice is up to you. 1) Tell the local scout council that you will NOT renew that chartering agreement but will only extend the current agreement until December 31, 2021; or 2) Tell the local scout council that you will NOT renew that chartering agreement but will enter into a Facilities Use Agreement with their unit until December 31, 2021. This will act similar to a lease allowing the scout unit to use your space, but they will be responsible for everything else, including the selection of leaders. A proposed agreement accompanies this letter. Read full letter here

BSA Bankruptcy Affects United Methodist Congregations | Aug 25, 2021 | Press Release from UMC: Nashville, Tenn.: The United Methodist Church and its predecessor denominations have a relationship with the Boy Scouts of America (BSA), which dates back more than 100 years. In February 2020, the BSA announced the national organization would file for bankruptcy to allow it to continue carrying on its mission while also compensating sexual abuse victims who were harmed during their time in scouting. While the bankruptcy is ongoing, the BSA, along with its local councils, recently reached an agreement with representatives of most of the survivors on a proposed $850 million settlement. Read full press release

Churches urged to file legal document in Boy Scouts lawsuit By Joey Butler Oct. 29, 2020 | NASHVILLE, Tenn. (UM News): The General Council on Finance and Administration sent notice Oct. 21 to conference chancellors, treasurers and bishops, urging them to organize any local churches that have chartered Scout programs, even if the programs aren’t currently active, to file a “proof of claim” by 5 p.m. U.S. Eastern time on Nov. 16.  Currently, more than 3,000 United Methodist churches charter more than 9,000 Scouting units serving over 300,000 youth, according to United Methodist Men, which oversees the denomination’s Scouting ministries. Read full article


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