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Breakfast, conversations, and giving

MITCHELL, SD – Every Friday morning a group of retired United Methodist clergy, clergy spouses, and others that serve United Methodist churches of North Dakota and South Dakota gather to enjoy a cup of coffee and some breakfast at Fanny Horner’s restaurant in Mitchell, South Dakota.  The only qualification to be a member of the group is that you donate a dollar for missions.  To date over $4,000 has been donated to mission projects since the group started meeting.

Photo: Coffee and breakfast is served to a group of retired clergy, clergy spouses, and others leaders of the Dakotas Conference of The United Methodist Church at Fanny Horner's resturant in Mitchell, South Dakota each Friday morning.  Photo by David Stucke, Dakotas Conference Communications.

"There are several groups of retired clergy, spouses and others that meet throughout the Conference in various places.  I think we are the only group that gives a donation, " said Rev. Boyd Blumer, one of the group's frequent attendees and organizers.

Evelyn Blumer, spouse of Boyd, faithfully brings a zippered pouch each Friday.  The pouch is passed around the tables and persons deposit a dollar. 

How it all got started

The desire to keep connected to the church drew the group together twelve years ago.  Several retired United Methodist clergy and staff in the office of the Dakotas Conference of The United Methodist Church felt a need to gather for fellowship and keep up with church matters.  Clergy, spouses, Dakotas Conference staff and leadership, and occasionally the bishop join the group. 

Sarah Baker, a clergy spouse, suggested that the group take a voluntary offering of one dollar each week.  Nearly $4,000 has been given to Dakotas Conference projects including:  Ingathering / Dakota Marketplace, Tree of Life Ministry, Sidewalk Sunday School, Bishops Offering, Bakken Oil Rush Ministry, Haiti, needs of clergy families, memorial gifts. 

Conversation runs deep

A lot of times when people gather for coffee surface level conversations about the weather are expected.  The conversation of this breakfast club is always joyful, thoughtful and sometimes profound.  The weather is not mentioned much.  The purposes and issues of the church are.

Photo: Rev. Dick Salmonson, retired, shares a thought during coversation at Fanny Horner's while Rev. Donna McLaird, retired listens.  Photo by David Stucke, Dakotas Conference Communications.

Here is a sample conversation related to sexuality and the church.

“I hope that we can have a respectful conversation among everyone about sexuality as we move towards General Conference.”

“Me too.  The issue has been around for a long time.  I remember when I was serving not much was every said.  We just ignored the possibility.”

Other topics of the morning include:  the work of John Wesley and how it is lived out in today’s church, the complex role of a bishop, and the needs of various clergy.”

Prayer is an important part of the morning.  Before any food is consumed the food is blessed.  The needs of practicing clergy, retired clergy, spouses and leaders throughout the Conference are noted.   

The group continues

Each Friday morning you will find the group gathering around a couple of tables in the corner at Fanny Honrers resturant.  A zipper pouch floats around the table where dollars are place for distribution to mission projects.

Photo: Rev. Boyd Blumer (center), retired adds to the conversation at Fanny Horner's resturant while Joan Usher (far left) and Evelyn Blumer (far right) listen.  Photo by David Stucke, Dakotas Conference Communications.

In the past, 20 or more people would gather. The group has dwindled to 6-10 in attendance because of competing interests and demands on time. 

There are other groups of retired United Methodist clergy that meet throughout the Dakotas Conference in the cities of Sioux Falls and Rapid City in South Dakota, Bismarck and Fargo in North Dakota. Breakfast, conversation, and giving continue in Mitchell.


Dakotas Annual Conference of The United Methodist Church 605.996.6552 1331 University Ave. Mitchell SD 57301-0460 US 43.69689310 -98.03291320 122 W. Franklin Avenue Ste 400 Minneapolis MN 55404 US 0.00000000 0.00000000 1331 W University Ave Mitchell SD 57301 US 0.00000000 0.00000000 1331 University Ave Mitchell SD 57301 US 0.00000000 0.00000000