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Breakthrough ministry grants awarded

Six churches received $4,500 of funding to launch a new ministry outreach in their community. The Missional Impact Link in partnership with the Dakotas United Methodist Foundation recently awarded the Breakthrough Ministry Grants.

Breakthrough Ministry Grants are intended to be seed money to launch new ministries or expand existing ministries to reach new people. The grants are a response to the movement of the Spirit in the hearts of Dakotas United Methodists.

The following projects were chosen to receive grants:

Health / Wellness Discipleship Outreach (Bismarck McCabe, ND)—McCabe UMC hopes to launch a second worshipping community for those in the neighborhood who are unchurched or nominally churched and perhaps in need of recovery and connection. The plan is to continue a Breakthrough Prayer initiative in the neighborhood around the church, develop a core leadership group and try small groups.

Music Fest (Fargo First, ND)—A group from will lead a music fest to draw people into the south campus of Fargo First. The event will highlight Saturday evening worship for people in the Fargo area.

Children and youth education (Kenmare ReNew, ND)—ReNew offers an afterschool program in collaboration with the local elementary school. Chrome books will be purchased to enhance the learning in the afterschool program and align with the school curriculum.  The Chrome books will also be utilized for children’s ministry.

Blessing Bags (Sioux Falls First, SD)—Sioux Falls UMC hosts an epic block party each year.  Blessing bags will be distributed to everyone to keep as needed or to give to someone as a blessing. The bags will contain personal care items, a devotional, prayers and contact information on how to connect with Sioux Falls First for further prayer or other needs.

Backpack program (Wagner, SD)—Wagner UMC, with the help of others in the community, will launch a weekend backback program for 125 elementary age children. Food insecurity is high in Wagner where 80% of the students receive free or reduced lunches. The backpack program would help meet some gaps in nutrition for students on the weekend.

Summer Blitz VBS (Williston, ND)—Faith UMC is planning an outreach program to the apartment complexes in Williston. A team from the church will hold neighborhood Vacation Bible Schools on the apartment complex site or parks nearby. The goal is to introduce unchurched children to God and attach families to Faith UMC for continued connections.

If you have a new ministry that you are starting apply for a grant. Breakthrough ministry grants are offered to churches and related organizations from the Dakotas United Methodist Foundation and Dakotas Conference of The United Methodist Church. Grants will be awarded quarterly.  Applications are due on January 31, April 30, July 31 and October 31. 

Click here for a grant application.


Dakotas Annual Conference of The United Methodist Church 605.996.6552 Image 1 website.jpg 1331 University Ave. Mitchell SD 57301-0460 US 43.69689310 -98.03291320 122 W. Franklin Avenue Ste 400 Minneapolis MN 55404 US 0.00000000 0.00000000 1331 W University Ave Mitchell SD 57301 US 0.00000000 0.00000000 1331 University Ave Mitchell SD 57301 US 0.00000000 0.00000000