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Celebrating the name of Jesus: 2020 Celebration of Life in Ministry Service

By: Doreen Gosmire, director of communication, Dakotas UMC

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Bishop Ough urges us to "continue the naming," during the Celebration of Life in Ministry Service. Photos by Dave Stucke, Dakotas UMC.

In the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, the despair of racial divide, and tension that looms over the United Methodist Church, Bishop Bruce Ough invited all believers to say “yes” to God.  He asked everyone to joyfully proclaim the name of the resurrected Christ as he preached a final sermon, as the resident bishop, at the Dakotas Celebration of Life in Ministry Service.

“I am very mindful that this is the final Celebration of Life in Ministry I will preside over in the Dakotas Conference. I am very mindful this is the final class of clergy I will license, commission or ordain in the Dakotas Conference. I will have commissioned 286 clergy and ordained 339 clergy since being elected a bishop in 2000. Each and every one has been a personal spiritual blessing and privilege for me,” said Ough.

Ough acknowledged the world we live in tempts us, urges us to run and hide from proclaiming the name of Jesus. We hide in embarrassment, in fear, that we will offend someone or become abandoned if we claim the power of Jesus’ name.

Proclaiming the name of Jesus is the greatest gift we have to share. Just as Peter shared all he had, the name of Jesus, with the lame beggar in Acts 3, we too are called to deliver the Good News.  

The name of Jesus is as controversial in our day as it was when Peter and John appeared before the Sanhedrin. Then, as now, people do not object to “wonders” or miracles so much as to faith claims about Jesus Christ,” Bishop Ough said. “Too often, the way we live and proclaim our faith is calculated not to offend any contemporary Pharisees or Sadducees we encounter. There are times and circumstances when we bend over backward to avoid claiming the power of Jesus’ name.” 

Ough called on individuals to “let the naming continue!” Share the name of Jesus and serve the oppressed, bring life, hope, joy and love to all.

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Bishop Ough commissions Rev. Joleen Pietrzak.

 "Come and claim your authority to proclaim the name of Jesus and be a vehicle for His saving, healing, transforming power,” he said. “Come and embrace the 'name that is above all names.' Come, so that the naming will continue.”

The service was held at First United Methodist Church in Sioux Falls, South Dakota. Those in attendance were few: the five worship celebrants, two candidates for commissioning, a few family members, and a technology team.  All wore masks, red in color, to match the night’s liturgical celebration.

During the service, the following persons were remembered, recognized, and celebrated:

Those Who Have Died:

Reverend William Reed Cascini (May 17, 2019)
Reverend Janet Miller (June 2, 2019)
Reverend John Gibson (February 28, 2020)
Reverend Donald Lagge (March 21, 2020)
Reverend James Persons (May 31, 2020)
Reverend Glenn Lord (June 23, 2020)
Reverend Kenneth Oswald (July 17, 2020)
Reverend John Bushell (July 26, 2020)

Clergy Spouses
Barbara Voas, widow of Reverend Kenneth Voas (September 21, 2019)
Royce Massingill, spouse of Reverend Elizabeth Jassmann Massingill (November 17, 2019)
Barbara Hart, widow of Reverend Wesley Hart (January 25, 2020)
Joyce Holmes, widow of Reverend Virgil Holmes (March 19, 2020)
Murray Smith, spouse of Reverend Donna Kjoonaas (March 19, 2020)
Dorothy Workman, widow of Reverend David Workman (April 9, 2020)
Virginia Tarver, widow of Reverend Russell Tarver (May 1, 2020)
Velma Rudolph, widow of Reverend Ervin Rudolph (June 1, 2020)

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Rev. Matt Morrison, left, is commissioned and congratulated by Rev. Keith Nelson, right during the Celebration of Life in Ministry Service.

The Retirement Class:
Royal Archer
Arlyn Coalter
Randy Cross
Kermit Culver
David Heetland
Bill Hoffman
Ron Johnson
Kris Larson
Randy Spahr
Roger Spahr
Jeff Vore
Steve Ziebarth

Matt Morrison
Joleen Pietrzak

Full Membership:
Henry Jenkins

Licensed Local Pastors, serving their first congregation:
John Anderson
Tia Felberg
Kimberly Hipple
Amber Laffey
Mary Morgan
Taryn Ragels
Matt Scherbenske

Completion of Educational Requirements for Licensed Local Pastor:
Derek Runge

Watch the service on October 9, 2020 at 7 p.m. on the Dakotas Conference Facebook page.
Download a copy of Bishop Ough's sermon, Continue the Naming
View the worship booklet:


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