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Christ made known

By: Doreen Gosmire, director of communications, Dakotas UMC

Matt Morrison ordination

Rev. Matt Morrison is ordained as an elder as family members and clergy colleagues lay hands on him. Screenshot from video.

“Christ is made known through you. It is a holy calling,” said Bishop Lanette Plambeck in her sermon at the Celebration of Life in Ministry Service.

Adressing those being commissioned and ordained she said, “There will be holy moments in your ministry where you will be so filled with the Holy Spirit because a sacred event is happening, or a simple event is happening. Suddenly, Christ is made known in the happenings before you. You know that you have been granted this opportunity to peek in on the grace of God interacting with another. God just opens our eyes to incredible events going on.”

Bishop Lanette shared the story of Andy, a former soldier suffering from PTSD, she met when serving as a pastor in Iowa. Andy had not been in a church since the age of 17. Andy came to church looking for food. He came back the next week and she bought him groceries. Then he started showing up every week. Andy would sit in the back of the church and every week he would move closer to the front of the church.

“I noticed that on Sundays when we served communion, Andy would leave early. Then one Sunday I talked about the open table of The United Methodist Church, a place where grace happens, where new beginnings happen. New life happens, where you can meet Christ. As we were serving communion, I saw Andy come to the communion rail. I knew God was letting me look in on something that was holy,” shared Bishop Lanette with those present.

Tears poured down Andy’s cheeks as he heard these words, “The body of Christ broken for you. The cup of salvation poured for you.” Andy saw that Jesus loved him and died for him that day.

“We are all ministers in the church. We are not called to lean away from people like Andy or anyone. We are called to lean in and to love all the people all of the time. Do what you are called to do in ministry, and just love,” said Bishop Lanette to those in attendance at First United Methodist Church in Sioux Falls.

At the Celebration of Life in Ministry, several ministry milestones where celebrated, including remembering clergy and clergy spouses who passed away: Rev. Ted Dockter, Rev. Val Rush, Rev. Lyla Siebrecht, Lois Knech, Frieda Hultin, Evelyn Blumer, Arlene Towler, Beverly Kinzler, Linnea Worner, Dan Kersey-Russell, Harryette Sjursen, Doris Gist, Mary Ann Rager, and Lorraine Werner.

These retiring clergy were celebrated for the combined service of 317 years: Neil Blair, Mary Ann Bernard, Jerry Densmore, Mark Ellingson, Mark Gronseth, Sarah Herman, Juwle Nagbe, Randy Phillips, Marlin Sapp, Dean Trapp, Barry Whipkey, and Lou Whitmer.

Six people entering ministry as licensed local pastors were honored: Tara Bush, Rita Ennen, Becca Hafner, Rydel Samuelson, Diane Stangohr, and Shawn Stoll.

Additionally, the important milestone of licensed local pastors completing their educational requirements was marked for Rick Andrus, Christine Cappetta, Stephanie Eliason, Susan Jennys, Zach Kingery, Charlie Moore, and Rydel Samuelson.

Rev. Andrea Johnson was welcome as a provisional elder with the Dakotas Conference by a transfer of orders from another denomination. Amber Laffey was commissioned as a deacon.  Don Dinger and Krista Ducker were commissioned as elders. Matt Morrison was ordained an elder.

Watch the service here.
View the Celebration of Life in Ministry Booklet.



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