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Clergy gathering inspires connection and joy

By: Doreen Gosmire, director of communications, Dakotas UMC

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Rev. Duane Coates, right explains his team's Lego vision for the church. Photos from Facebook.

"I have read, studied, and preached the parables of Luke 15 a number of times but never from the standpoint of a search party, a party who is found, and a party, party in the heavens over the lost one who was found," said Rev. Duane Coates, Epworth UMC in Valley City, North Dakota.

Pastor Duane was one of the many clergy across the Dakotas who traveled to Aberdeen, South Dakota, for the 2024 Epiphany Gathering. Revs. Michael and Jill Beck, from the Florida Conference, lead four sessions—searching for the lost, finding and feeding souls, and celebrating with a party of those that have been fed, and then another party with all believers on earth and in heaven. The learning sessions centered on Luke 15, the "Lost Parables."

Bishop Lanette Plambeck shared a story of a young girl being baptized and the child's mother stating that baptism is how we know Jesus loves us—a testimony to how we are all part of God's kingdom.

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Clergy place beads on Bishop Lanette with words of affirmation.

A Mardi Gras theme was threaded throughout the gathering. The beading of the bishop took place following her many words of affirmation for those present. Each person placed beads on the bishop to celebrate the many ways she graciously leads and affirms the ministry of the clergy.

"First ever 'Beading of the Bishop' ceremony," posted Michael Beck on Facebook. "We had each person come up and place beds on the bishop with a personal affirmation— #HistoricUMC." 

During one of the sessions, the Becks shared information about the need for connection as many people face loneliness and despair. Lives are full of addictions and people being excluded, not knowing the love of Jesus. Participants spent time writing about dreams for the church. 

"Given Michael Beck's statistics on loneliness, I wrote more about my dream of the local church becoming a spiritual trauma center," said Pastor Duane.

The work of searching and finding those souls that need to know Jesus was inspired by a creative exercise of building a Lego structure that depicts each participant's dream for the church. Then, they worked together connectionally to combine all the dreams into one vision—a blended ecology.

"The Lego exercise was memorable. Especially as we began to unpack the process of building with what we have been given," said Rev. Katie Ricke, First UMC in Yankton, South Dakota. "I was really struck by the creativity needed to create ideal churches from less-than-ideal circumstances. It was difficult, frustrating, and ultimately very rewarding to see the results and listen to the stories of creation from the other teams."

Connections, treats, and memorable moments were part of the two-day event. The Mardis Gras meal and party included a costume parade—the Dakotas Cabinet dressed as the characters from the Wizard of Oz.

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Revs. Veronica Fleming, left, and Sara McManus, right, are ready for the Mardi Gras costume parade and meal.

"A highlight for me was the Mardi Gras meal and costume party," said Rev. Amber Laffey, Alexandria UMC in South Dakota. "It was fun to be with everyone, letting loose and having a good time together! All the moments we had to visit with each other were great!"

The time together with colleagues generated inspiration, renewed spirits, and strengthened connection.

"Coming together with my colleagues for learning and fellowship is always a highlight. I look forward to the gathering," said Rev. Teresa Person, Riverview UMC in Huron, South Dakota. "The costume party and banquet were surprisingly fun, providing a time to smile and relax while enjoying each other's company."

Pastor Teresa delighted the Mardi Gras costume party and banquet by providing sweet treats from her husband's bakery, Cookie Dough Cupcakes in Huron, South Dakota.

"We are hoping to grab some to take with us south," said Michael Beck.

The Becks inspired Dakotas clergy to step outside their comfort zone in their ministry journeys.

"My biggest takeaway from Michael and Jill was simply receiving permission to color outside the lines, try new things, and know that there is so much that is so good happening in our churches and communities," said Rev. Scott McKirdy, Canyon Lake UMC in Rapid City, South Dakota. "It is important right now to know that we make a powerful difference in the world."

Celebrations of current ministries were shared, and participants were nudged to take the next steps.

"It was inspiring and encouraging to hear stories of joy and the 'party' from others," said Rev. Veronica Fleming, Arthur UMC in North Dakota. "The more we had to think of these moments, the more they came to mind. We forget or tend to focus on the planning and setting up for the party. We sometimes lose sight of the purpose of a celebration. So, it was good to hear and celebrate those moments with others. God rejoices and parties when we acknowledge God working in it."

A spirit of camaraderie and authenticity fueled the souls of those attending.

"I was inspired to go because of the camaraderie that occurs there. The highlights were the new insights gleaned from the scripture study: lost, found, party, party," said Rev. Sharla McCaskell, Knollwood Heights UMC, Rapid City, South Dakota. "I took away the genuine-ness that Michael and Jill have for their ministry and the encouragement to go beyond our comfort zone in our ministry."

Clergy ended their time together with worship.

"After attending last year's Epiphany Gathering, I knew that a time of renewal and worship with my friends and colleagues was good for my soul," said Rev. Sara McManus, Flame of Faith UMC in West Fargo, North Dakota. "Worship is a highlight, just the incredible aspects of sitting in the middle of so many voices connecting to God together. I find my soul filled with each note together."


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