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Congregational care seminar inspires lay leader

By: Doreen Gosmire, director of communications, Dakotas UMC

Caring Congregation

Empowering, affirming, inspiring, and awesome are words that Rachel Axness, who is a lay leader and member of the United Methodist Church in DeLacs, North Dakota, uses to describe her experience at the Congregational Care seminar that she attended in McCabe United Methodist Church in Bismarck, North Dakota last spring. 

“We are all people of faith who are called to ministry,” says Rachel Axness. “We may not be called to ordained ministry. We are all needed. Churches, especially small churches, need everyone.”

Axness attended the Congregational Care Seminar to sharpen her skills as a lay leader in ministry. The two-day experience was led by Karen Lampe, author of The Caring Congregation. 

Rachel walked away with more than skills and information. “I was blown away by what Karen Lampe had to say. I have been to other courses. I was affirmed that yes, I do have gifts. I can care for others.”

The seminar encourages participants to develop a team that could reach out and care for other members of their congregations in times of sickness, death, or other life events that may disrupt people's lives.

Karen Lampe

Karen Lampe, author of The Caring Congregation. File photo.

“Learning how to comfort others, give hope, and connect them with God, are some key things I walked away from the seminar with,” says Axness.

Lampe walked participants through the training guide for The Caring Congregation, including concepts like starting with prayer, the context of care visits, blessing and praying with people, being with family in times of death, delivering sacraments in times of need, and the context of care visits.

“Karen told us several times, 'in all things, pray first,'” Axness says. “A statement she made that stays with me is, be not afraid of change, be afraid of not changing.”

Care ministry is one way that Axness states that laity can assist the clergy with their many duties. “There is a shortage. Clergy are busy and often serve multiple churches. We can step up as laypeople in the church, form a team, and do a lot of ministries together for and with each other.”

For the past 45 years, Axness has been serving her congregation as a lay leader, a member of the Pastor Parish Relations Committee, United Methodist Women’s president, Sunday school superintendent and teacher, and playing the piano. 

She serves neighboring congregations by filling the pulpit when requested.

Axness hopes to develop a congregational team at DeLacs and Faith United Methodist Church in Minot, North Dakota, in 2020. 

“I have been to a lot of different trainings. This one was different. I know now that I can help and lead in so many ways. I know I have gifts to serve. But so do others. A lot of times, we do not realize our gifts.”

Make plans now to attend, with a team, the next Congregational Care Seminar with Karen Lampe, March 27-28, 2020 at Sunnycrest UMC in Sioux Falls, South Dakota. Get all of the details here.


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