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Connectional Table and Ough report to GC

The Connectional Table of the United Methodist church reported to the 2016 General Conference in Portland, Oregon about four efforts: to increase the number of vital congregations across the denomination, increase the number of local churches dedicated to the Four Areas of Ministry Focus, define the world wide nature of the church and offer processes for discussion around controversial issues like human sexuality.

Bishop Bruce R. Ough, resident bishop, Dakotas-Minnesota Area has served as the chair of the Connectional for the last quadrennium, 2012-2016.

“The Connectional table has been focused on increasing the number of vital congregations,” said Ough. “In the past four years we have doubled the number of vital congregations.”

Photo: Bishop Bruce Ough delivers a portion of the Connectional Table Report to General Conference. Photo by Dakotas Conference UMC Communications

The Connectional Table reported that bountiful fruit has been harvested over the past four years, 2012-2016, through increased engagement in the Four Areas of Focus. The Four Areas of Focus express the vision and yearnings of the people of The United Methodist Church: engaging in ministry with the poor, improving global health, developing principled Christian leaders, creating new and renewed congregations. Engagement in these Four Areas of Focus is also a means more vital congregations.

Ough reported, “Nearly 40-50% of the local churches throughout the denomination are dedicated to the Four Areas of Focus. Congregations that are involved in the Four Areas of Focus are also experiencing vitality and the true meaning of the connection.”

The Connectional Table has convened key conversations to better understand how the Church is configured in the many places where United Methodists are gathered. This worldwide nature of the denomination has been a challenge as the numbers of United Methodist churches and members continues to grow.

“We are a denomination that is focused on the United States with satellites throughout the world,” said Bishop Christian Alsted, Nordic and Baltic Episcopal Area. “We need to change the culture. We need to build a democratic worldwide church. What we are trying to do is something that no other denomination is doing."

Photo: Bishop Christian Alsted, leader of the Nordic and Baltic Area, brought a message to morning worship at General Conference on May 12, 2016. Photo by Patrick Scriven for the PNW Conference.

This past quadrennium the Connectional Table engaged in a process of listening and understanding centered around the topic of homosexuality. After the listening sessions were held, the body voted to submit a legislative proposal to the 2016 General Conference that removes prohibitive language from The United Methodist Book of Discipline concerning homosexuality, while making only minor changes to the existing Social Principles.

“A Third Way,” the proposed legislation would allow United Methodist clergy to perform ceremonies that celebrate same-sex unions in United Methodist churches if they wish; clergy who do not wish to perform such ceremonies would not be required to do so. The proposal also removes being a practicing homosexual or performing same-sex wedding ceremonies from the list of chargeable offenses for clergy. In addition, the proposal removes the language that says that the church does not condone the practice of homosexuality and considers it incompatible with Christian teachings, while recognizing this has historically been the position of the church.

“The Connectional Table engaged in a process for constructive listening and for discussion around human sexuality, specifically homosexuality,” said Ough.

“The Third Way is a way to put emphasis on our unity rather what divides us,” said Benedita Penicela Nhambiu, Connectional Table, Mozambique South Conference. Photo: Benedita Penicela Nhambiu

Ough will end his duties as the chair of the Connectional Table at the General Conference in Portland. Alsted will follow Ough as the chair of the Connectional Table for 2016-2020.

“Thank you Bishop Ough for your excellent leadership. The Connectional Table has taken some steps forward and the church has taken steps forward and provided focus for the future,” said Bishop Alsted. “I am going to build upon what has been accomplished in the past four years.  I would like to strengthen the focus on being a worldwide church.” Photo: Bishop Bruce Ough by Dakotas Conference Communications.


Connectional Table                          Third Way                        Four Areas of Focus


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