What does in look like to lead expectantly? More than 110 leaders of agencies, committees and links gathered at Pierre First UMC, September 22-23 to explore leadership in ways that break through the fear that holds us back and live in a culture of hope and expecting the Holy Spirit to breakthrough. “We need to be on our tiptoes expecting God to breakthrough in ways we can’t imagine, ” said Bishop Bruce R. Ough, resident bishop of the Dakotas-Minnesota Area.
“We are all waiting for the Pentecost spirit when really it is right here. Jesus is calling us,” Rev. Kip Roozen, Sioux Falls Asbury UMC, preached. The two-day conference opened with worship that included Roozen’s message based on Acts 2:1-11—the story of the Pentecost.
Five Lead Expectantly talks were presented. The 30-40 minute talks featured ideas related to change, innovation and tools for transformational leadership. Photos by Dave Stucke, Dakotas UMC. Kay Braun and Dayne Zachrison enjoy a lighter moment in one of the presentations.
Kind and clear—Holly Brown, executive pastor at Embrace Church, shared insights and tips on how to lead a difficult conversation in a kind and clear manner. “We have all been in situations where the conversation that needs to take place does not. Avoiding the conversation is actually unkind and creates a situation where no one is clear about what needs to change to make ministry happen,” said Brown.
Adapting and welcoming community transformation—Terry Nebelsick, superintendent of Huron public schools, shared how the community of Huron has transformed to accept their local neighbors. The community has seen an influx of students who were non-English speaking, from all corners of the globe. The school district has embraced the presence of the new members of their community. “I want every student who enters the doors of our schools to be proud to be a [Huron] Tiger. I tell all of the employees that they must share agape love,” said Nebelsick.
Invitation and challenge—Gina Mueller, trainer for 3D Movements shared how we as leaders are called to make disciples like Jesus did. Mueller outlined a model for discipleship. “In the journey of discipleship, we as leaders, tend to be invitational or challenging,” said Mueller. “We have to learn how to calibrate.”
Creating a culture of multiplication—Rev. Ben Ingebretson, director of new church development for the Dakotas-Minnesota Area, challenged participants to think about a goal of growth for an increase of 3% in worshipping communities in the Dakotas Conference. “We have to work hard together at multiplying. We want to multiply in a variety of ways. We are going to celebrate a congregation that starts a second site, or a second service. We want to reach new people,” said Ingebretson. Photo: Bishop Ough shared his excitement at the possibilities for breakthroughs in the Dakotas.
Lessons in adaptive leadership — Justin Zajic, principal at Mitchell Middle School, has instituted a culture of change, technology and success for staff and the students of "Generation Z". “I find Teacherpreneurs. A well disciplined teacher with the heart of an entrepreneur. They are creating a culture of reflection and creativity. I want these kinds of leaders,” said Zajic.
Bishop Ough spoke to those in attendance about how the Holy Spirit is shaping expectant lives and leadership. “As disciples of Jesus we are no longer slaves of fear, we are prisoners of hope. We are people of hope and expectancy. We replace fear with innovation and imagination. We are people who live on our tiptoes. We are waiting for the next burst of the Holy Spirit. I am on my tiptoes as the Dakotas Conference is implementing Breakthrough Prayer and creating a culture of call, multiplication, generosity and missional movement.”
Several small group meetings for various leadership groups were also part of the gathering. The Dakotas Conference Common Table organized the event. Rev. Rebecca Trefz, director of ministries and member of the Common Table said, “I was so encouraged by the attendance, the learning, the fellowship and the spirit and culture that we all experienced and left with. We truly are ready to go out and lead expectantly.” Photo: Rev. Kermit Culver, Northwest DS, shared his heart with several small groups on Friday evening.
See several of the Lead Expectantly talks here.